Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Survivor Cagayan week 9 recap poem (4/23/14)

Last time with 6 on 4, Tony was in the majority.
But to help to take LJ out he talked with the minority.
He convinced Woo that LJ was trying to get rid of him.
Voted with the 4, LJ went home, blindsiding their women.

Back from tribal. Jefra asks who flipped. It’s Woo and Tony.
Tony says he couldn’t tell the girls since they like LJ.
He thinks they wouldn’t understand where he was coming from.
Tells Jefra she’s not at the bottom. Spencer thinks that’s dumb.

Trish understands that Tony didn’t want the plan destroyed.
Kass asks was this just 1-vote with them? She sounds annoyed.
Spencer likes to plan, but Tony’s unpredictable.
He makes big moves but often they are inexplicable.

Tony says Woo wasn’t told when Cliff was voted off.
Sometimes you can’t tell people things - it will cause chaos.
Spencer would like to vote Tony. The sooner the better.
To make a move they just need to identify some stragglers.

Tony knows people at the water well talk strategy.
He goes there and builds a new spy shack beside a tree.
His plan works well. He eavesdrops on Jefra talking to Trish.
“Tony’s an award winning actor” in the wrong business.

Trish says even without LJ their alliance stands.
Jefra doesn’t want to be fooled more by Tony’s plans.
She would have been alright with a plan to blindside LJ.
But now doesn’t trust Tony. Thinks he did it the wrong way.

At reward, 2 teams race out in boats to collect paddles.
Then use the letters on each one to solve a word puzzle.
Winners go to Callao Cave for a BBQ lunch.
Chicken, ribs, and sides, then chocolate chip cookies to munch.

Team 1, chosen randomly: Tony, Kass, Trish and Woo
So Tasha, Jefra, Spencer, Jeremiah are Team 2.
They paddle to the end. Collect paddles on their way back.
Tasha’s team with early lead. She’s keeping them on track.

Tasha unties two paddles at box one out of four.
Tony and Woo both untie. In less time they get more.
Jeremiah and Spencer catch on. They both untie.
After the 2nd floating box their team is still behind.

Tony drops a paddle in the water. Must retrieve.
This mishap helps to give the other team a short reprieve.
At station 3 they’re neck-and-neck. But station 4 is trouble.
Tasha’s team paddles right by. Their time spent here might double.

Woo’s team is back first. They start uncovering the paddles.
But Tasha’s team is right behind. This will be quite the battle.
Solving puzzle is Tasha/Spencer versus Woo/Kass.
Teammates watch the other team, to steal ideas, en masse.

Spencer tries “FINAL”. Kass spells out “FIGHT”. All whisper more.
Kass then thinks the secret phrase might be “WORTH FIGHTING FOR”.
Tony says that can’t be it. Letter Y isn’t used.
Spencer says “WORTH PLAYING FOR”. Lose this one? He refused.

Jefra gets reward with Tasha, Jeremiah, Spencer.
Tony thinks it’s trouble as he’s sure he shouldn’t trust her.
She may betray the alliance because of this reward.
He only trusts Woo, Trish, and Kass. His alliance core.

Back at camp Kass knows to win she must stick with the five.
Thinks Tony felt threatened - voted LJ to survive.
She's fine with that. Keep annoying people, vote out threats.
If Spencer doesn't win immunity he should go next.

Tony includes Kass, unlike LJ, in his group promises.
They outwardly strategize since this reward is dangerous.
Kass asks how Trish feels about reward involving Jefra.
Trish shifts her focus to potential limes and papaya.

She’ll strategize more later, after they collect some food.
Tony isn’t interested, so Trish recruits Woo.
Trish decides the papayas look just like Morgan’s boobs.
That analogy was unexpected, also lewd.

Woo climbs up and shakes the tree. 7 papayas fall out.
He starts descending. A branch breaks. Woo falls to the ground.
Luckily his butt breaks his fall. He says he’s ok.
Says he’d do it again for papaya any day.

Reward winners explore waterfalls and enjoy caves.
The caves had an epic scale. That’s what Spencer raves.
Their guide leads them to a place for their BBQ meal.
Now the three outsiders try to find out Jefra’s deal.

She says voting out LJ made her question her alliance.
So she’ll consider swapping sides in a show of defiance.
All agree voting for Tony would be in their interest.
The guide comes back with letters from home. Emotions aren’t repressed.

It’s just what Jefra needed. Her mother’s words hit home hard.
Don’t be afraid to lie. Don’t be betrayed by your kind heart.
She takes this as a sign that she should consider treason.
They shake on “final 4”. Everything happens for a reason.

This time for immunity they’ll stand on narrow beams
and balance balls on platforms but it’s harder than it seems.
At 10 minute intervals, difficulty is increased.
Hold platform from further down with your beam width decreased.

When the challenge starts is when the wind decides to blow.
Quickly Jefra, Trish, and Tony have nothing to show.
It is Kass who falls out next, at the 3 minute mark.
The last four left make it look like a walk in the park.

At 10 minutes, a short reprieve as things become tougher.
Jeremiah’s ball rolls off, proving this is rougher.
All 3 left have previously won immunity.
At 20 minutes in it gets as hard as it will be.

Only 4 inches to stand. Grip bottom third of pole.
Woo drops out so will Tasha or Spencer reach the goal?
With no time limit you’ve got to keep your mind on track.
Spencer’s ball drops. Tasha wins the necklace back-to-back.

Jefra doesn’t feel safe in an alliance with Tony.
Vote him out now, not later? An opportunity.
The rest of her alliance believes everything he says,
“like he’s Jesus, or something”. It’s causing her to stress.

Tony runs into the woods. He’s not working today.
Needs to go idol searching to guarantee he will stay.
He’s looking for a landmark, maybe something near tree-mail.
One tree here he’s searched before. He’ll follow back the trail.

Tasha says they’ll vote 4-4 and might have to draw rocks.
For her it’s worth the danger. Opportunity knocks.
Trish knows Jefra is upset - wears her heart on her sleeve.
Kass and Trish tell her annoying people shouldn’t leave.

Meanwhile Tony finds a tree like a rocket ship
with big tall roots, an idol could be hidden in its grip.
Frantically he’s digging, then finds something in the soil.
Finds an idol! Loves this super prize for all his toil.

The special idol only protects the person who finds it.
Can be played after the votes a read! He needs a moment.
He kisses it and realizes he needs to go wash up.
Back at the beach they keep training Jefra like a pup.

She can’t stand Tony. Kass says that’s how everybody feels.
But giving the other 3 power would be a bad deal.
They have a better chance of beating Tony or Woo.
Tony returns to wash up and he wants to talk too.

Trish asks “Can we trust you?”. Tony says “Don’t insult me.”
They’re paranoid he’s playing sides. All three girls agree.
Tony gives his word on “final 5” - he guarantees.
He swears on his “baby, father, mother, everybody.”

Trish confronted Tony to help put Jefra at ease.
Getting Tony to commit to them will help keep peace.
With Tasha safe, Jeremiah’s or Spencer’s fate’s in doubt.
Who threatens most in challenges? With jury, who has clout?

Earlier Jefra made a committment to Jeremiah.
But says she won’t vote with them. “Sorry” for being a liar.
As things look bad, Jeremiah admits he’s a model.
Spencer finds it funny this was something he’d keep bottled.

Spencer then mentions his idol to Tasha and him.
They’ll vote for Woo - a threat in challenges, though somewhat dim.
He plans to play the idol tonight - take it off the shelf.
But if he plays it wrong, for his whole life he’ll kick himself.

At tribal, agreement that the 3 are on the outside.
Trish attests all three girls didn’t know of LJ’s blindside.
Jefra would rather risk a blindside from her own team,
than get defeated in the end by the other tree.

Spencer says you’re at the bottom if you get left out
of key decision making. He’s trying to sow doubt.
Says Tony has broken promises and will break more.
Tony says that’s wrong. He’s always had reasons before.

Any combination with Tony will be the same.
Spencer and Tasha will vote for him. He’s steered this game.
It is quite a bold statement for these two ‘brains’ to mention.
If they’re lucky it could help cause internal dissension.

Trish says they called out Tony earlier down by the beach.
He says he will stop his crap, but did his message reach?
Tony says you must make power moves - it’s all in timing.
Right now would be reckless. If he’s right his stock is climbing.

Jeff asks how they decide if it’s really 5 on 3.
Woo says the biggest threat is hidden immunity.
Spencer and Jeremiah throw each under the bus.
A challenge threat; Likeable guy. Neither will raise a fuss.

Tasha says they won’t be voting for Tony this time.
He got mad last time so someone else is next in line.
Tony says he brought his bag of tricks again, you know.
Spencer doesn’t think he’ll play anything from it though.

Spencer votes for Woo. “This vote is a real bummer dude.”
Will we see an idol tonight? Maybe even two?
“...steal as many clues as you want, Woo. I have the real thing.”
As he is walking up to Jeff, Tony pulls out his ‘bling’.

Does it to see Spencer react. Now Spencer must decide.
Play it for Jeremiah, or use it to save his hide.
He chose to play it for himself. A move I do find wise.
But Tony just sees inexperience in Spencer’s eyes.

“He was about to give his idol to ‘Jeremy’.”
The jury wonders who that is in Tony’s oddball speech.
“He thought I was going to use mine” but it’s just a fake.
If it’s a strategy, of it - I’m not sure what to make.

The votes are Woo, and Woo, and Wooooooo. But next is Jeremiah.
He shakes his head, figuring he is the game’s next pariah.
As more votes are read Spencer says to him “Sorry buddy.”
He says “Don’t worry about it.” 4th member of the jury.

Jeff says another tribal council, another big move.
Some moves work, some don’t. Which one will work is hard to prove.
If you want to win you have to keep on making them.
Make the right ones, you’ll be in the finals like a gem.

Next time, reward is the return of Survivor auction.
But Spencer concerns himself with using his brain for traction.
If he can make Tony paranoid, he knows that’s gold.
“...she wants to vote you out…” I swear, this game never gets old!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Survivor Cagayan week 8 recap poem (4/16/14)

Last time Spencer’s idol clue had everybody seeking.
Luckily Spencer found it, but of this he’s not speaking.
With worry of an idol, it was Morgan who they voted.
Didn’t do enough. The group of 6 said she freeloaded.

Upon return from tribal Tony lets his anger show.
Why have they tried to vote him out two times in a row?
He thinks the 3 left standing should have lobbied for their places.
They figured for a flip, voting Tony would be the basis.

Tony knows that it’s 6 on 3, but it’s never that easy.
The 3 could all be sitting ducks, but Tony might get sleazy.
In waiting for a final 6, that chance may never come.
Allies won’t get this chance either - his prophecy for some.

Trish and LJ worry about Tony’s late night rant.
His brain is going all the time. Did he sleep? Said he can’t.
He wants LJ gone but doesn’t want to be the bad guy.
He’ll get LJ to go back on his word and then he’ll fry.

Tony tells LJ Woo has found the idol - so he thinks.
He’s leading the horse to water, trying to make him drink.
LJ appeases Tony, saying promises may break.
It’s just what Tony needs to hear to burn him at the stake.

This story about idol worry isn’t even true.
He’s using lies to trap LJ into blindsiding Woo.
He plans to tell the others LJ is sneaky and quiet.
He’s scarier than Tony. Now to get his team buy it.

    “Don’t sandbag this one.
     Win a revitalizing sensation.
     Bounce back into competing shape
     with nourishment and rejuvenation.”  -  Tree Mail

For reward they’re divided into three teams of three.
First throw a rope right through a ring and sandbags are released.
Then throw them through a tunnel, try to get them to the end.
And work the rest through with your hands if throwing didn’t send.

Then bounce them off a trampoline into 5 distant goals.
First team to finish wins reward to counter the game’s tolls.
A spa day: shower, shampoo, soap. Massage to ease your pains.
Then food and drinks. Rejuvenate for the last 16 days.

Team 1: Jefra, Trish and LJ. Team 2: Woo, Tasha, Kass.
Last: Jeremiah, Spencer and Tony - who wants this bad.
Tony’s team starts out with the lead. Sandbags on 2nd toss.
Then LJ scores and Woo is next. Nobody has yet lost.

Jeremiah’s tunnel throwing skills keep them ahead.
LJ’s done next and Woo’s still last. But there’s still not much spread.
Spencer’s team finishes moving sandbags through the tunnel.
The other teams have difficulty with this net non-funnel.

Tony bounces sandbags first and lands 3 goals real quick.
Jefra and Woo start bouncing next and hope their throws will stick.
A second round of caroms leads Tony to last his last.
The other teams just couldn’t beat him landing them so fast.

Tony knows winning rewards can be crucial in this game.
If he sees opportunity, he knows it’s his to claim.
Jefra really wanted this. The “funk” is setting in.
Woo snapped back to reality. He, too, wanted to win.

LJ tells Trish and Jefra of Tony’s anxiousness.
All 3 agree that sticking with their 6 is for the best.
Oust the Aparri 3, not let them in alliance cracks.
Trish says she’ll talk to Tony and tell him he should relax.

LJ’s plan for the future relies on patience, not fear.
Trish says the best final three is the three sitting here.
But Tony might form bonds on this reward and strategize.
He’s glad he’s going to the spa to talk to those two guys.

Spencer knows that reward is a way to better himself.
He’s had odds stacked against him, but he’s not yet on the shelf.
Tony asks if they’d like to talk while Jeremiah showers.
Will they be picked off one-by-one or be granted some powers?

So Jeremiah asks if Tony’s feeling comfortable.
Tony replies “Never, my friend”. There is always trouble.
You just have to hang in there. I’ll definitely approach you.
“Will that happen while we’re still here?” - Tony says “I think so”.

Tony’s looking for a vote to get him to the top.
He’ll go back to his alliance after LJ’s stopped.
Tony tells them that they’ll be safe at the next tribal council.
They tell him that they trust him, but they doubt if he is truthful.

Spencer knows that he and Jeremiah are just pawns.
And if Tony uses them it helps them to move on.
If Spencer can be brought a little further down the road.
He’ll look for detours to advance while he is being towed.

It doesn’t take a CPA for 6 versus 3 math.
So Tasha queries LJ if he’ll talk of a new path.
He’ll listen. She asks him to meet her discretely elsewhere.
He stands her up. More paranoia from Tony - he can’t bear.

    “Purple, Blue, Yellow, and Red,
     Like sunsets, the colors are vivid.
     Black and blues could bruise your ego…
     and being voted out could make you livid.”  -  Tree Mail

For Tony this immunity challenge is gonna be huge.
LJ is clever but who’ll throw the first punch in this feud.
But LJ shared an idol. Thinks he’s with Tony to the end.
Maybe as things evolve the relationship will mend.

For immunity, memorize series of colored tiles.
Repeat them back and get it right. Last one will be all smiles.
Round 1: Yellow, Blue, Red, Green. Trish and Woo drop out early.
After 25 days in this game your brain gets squirrely.

For the next round it’s Red, Green, Purple, Black, Blue, Green and Blue.
Jeff notes the difficulty of something from grade school.
All left get the first 5 right. The sixth one yields 3 choices.
LJ, Tasha and Tony - the only correct voices.

For the last color each one chooses colors that don’t match.
But one is right so there will be a winner in this batch.
It isn’t yellow. Tony’s done. It’s Tasha or it’s LJ.
They both are very confident and figure this is their day.

LJ remembered red, but it was blue. Tasha’s triumphant!
And as she dons the necklace, in her eyes a prideful glint.
LJ says all they have to do is split the vote 3-3.
With this plan Jeremiah or Spencer will feel defeat.

LJ feels comfortable in this game for the first time.
Boys vote for Spencer, girls for Jeremiah. It’ll be fine.
But Tony’s still preparing plans to turn on LJ tonight.
Tells Woo LJ might blindside him. Woo trusts, to his delight.

Tony talks to Spencer. Tells him about LJ and Woo.
“You are 100% safe.” Spencer just hopes it’s true.
Spencer will get Jeremiah and Tasha on board.
Thanks in part to the reward challenge, these three may have scored.

Tony asks Trish what LJ said during the reward.
Trish tells the truth but Tony spreads his lie to cause discord.
Trish can’t quite believe that LJ would lie to her face.
Tony posits LJ doesn’t want to be 4th place.

When it gets down to 5 he knows it will be 3 on 2.
With LJ and Jefra beneath the Tony, Trish and Woo.
Trish asks if he’s proposing to get rid of LJ soon.
At first he sidesteps the question so not be a buffoon.

But then he says their 3 could vote with Tasha, Spence and Jer.
Trish still thinks that the 6 is better intact and fair.
Later Kass asks if everyone is still good with the six.
Trish tells her Tony’s waivering but it’d be dumb to flip.

Tony’s closest ally, Trish, could turn her back on him.
The plan could blow up in his face and he might never win.
He’d rather make a power move, but now he must decide.
To kick butt or to kiss butt. Might have to swallow his pride.

At tribal, Jeff is not surprised that Tasha is relieved.
And Tony thinks all expect to be backstabbed and deceived.
He brought his “bag of tricks” so that he’ll be more confident.
Jeff wonders if just saying that could signal detriment.

Jeff asks if LJ was approached. LJ said someone tried,
but says it would not pay to betray whom he’s allied.
Perpetuating lies, Tony still says he’s in construction.
But Sarah looks perturbed. This could cause jury-vote destruction?

LJ and Tony both say loyalty is huge at work.
Kass checked her life back at the door, knowing this game makes jerks.
Are you player, person, or both? Can be hard to reconcile.
Spencer reminds, one of six is bottom of the pile.

Trish admits something has to break - it could happen tonight.
But she’d be unaware of such a show of voting might.
With that they vote, and Spencer’s voting LJ - hopes for blindside.
Could be a crazy night that may sustain this wild ride.

No idol played. 3 LJ’s, then 3 Jeremiah’s follow.
Then “Spence” and another LJ, which makes him stiffly swallow.
LJ the 9th one voted out and 3rd one on the jury.
We see joy and bewilderment. But will we soon see fury?

Spencer gives a fist pump. Jefra asks if Tony flipped.
He won’t respond. Jefra says “Wow”. Wonder if she’ll be ripped.
Jeff says vote and reactions proof of individual game.
Based on what we saw tonight it will never be the same.

Next time Tony will stop at nothing. On Trish/Jefra he spies.
Jefra wants to not be fooled by more of Tony’s lies.
And Woo climbs trees for coconuts but when he’s 10 feet up,
loses his grip and falls straight down. He might land on his butt.