Sunday, March 27, 2016

Keys to Survivor Kaoh Rong Episode 6

Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)
13th Anna - Beauty (voted out Episode 5, Day 13)

Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 5:
Chan Loh (Blue tribe - former Brains tribe color)
Cydney - former Brawn
Debbie - former Brains
Jason - former Brawn (has hidden immunity idol)
Michele - former Beauty
Neal - former Brains (has hidden immunity idol)
Nick - former Beauty

Gondol (Yellow tribe - former Beauty tribe color)
Aubry - former Brains
Joe - former Brains
Julia - former Beauty (joining after 2 days alone)
Peter - former Brains
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty (has hidden immunity idol)

Julia returns from Brawn beach and joins Gondol at the reward challenge.

Reward Challenge:
One person releases buoys from underwater. That person and 3 others get all the buoys to shore and into a rack. Then 2 people shoot them into a basket. First tribe to get 10 buoys in the basket wins reward.

Reward is a Survivor Picnic. Breads, meats, cheeses, drinks.

Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Diving: Aubry (Gondol), Michele (Chan Loh)
First to get to dive point: Michele
First to release buoys: Aubry (by a large margin)
First to get all buoys to shore: Gondol
Shooters: Nick/Cydney (does not shoot), Scot/Joe (does not shoot)
Shot order (shown here as streaks when possible, for dramatic effect):
Scot, Scot, Nick, Scot (Gondol leads 3-1)
Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick (Chan Loh leads 5-3)
Scot, Nick, Nick, Scot, Scot, Nick (Chan Loh leads 8-6)
Scot, Scot, Scot, Scot
Gondol wins.

Immunity Challenge:
This one is all about teamwork. Get through a series of obstacles as a team. Two people knock blocks off of an overhead net. Then everyone stacks the blocks vertically. First team to stack them all wins. There are 2 sizes of blocks - about 8" and 6" cubes.

Details on order of challenge and who did what:
First team over a log ladder: Chan Loh
First team over a 5 foot high rolling barrel: Chan Loh
First team over a net ramp (start on high side that is ~9 feet tall): Chan Loh
First team to knock all of the blocks off the overhead net: Gondol
Gondol stacks the small blocks first, then tries to transition that stack up while larger ones are placed below.
Debbie on Nick's shoulders while Gondol's small stack falls.
Joe is hit in the head with a falling block.
Tai on Scott's shoulders as Debbie drops the top 3 blocks.
Chan Loh wins immunity, finishing about 5 seconds before Gondol.

Peter had been plotting against Aubry & Joe, but after the challenge Joe & Peter make up and decide to target Julia. Peter then tells Scot this plan. Julia & Tai then try to sway Aubry to work with them to vote out Peter by telling her that he had talked about voting Aubry out. Aubry asks if Joe will switch the vote to Peter, but he is against this idea. Without an idea about if Aubry is with them, Tai & Scot think they may have to vote for Julia.

Tribal Council:
Lots of side talking while others are answering questions. Scot tells Julia "Original Plan". Aubry seems confused or conflicted.
4-2 (Peter, Julia). Aubry had voted for Julia, but crossed it out and changed it to Peter.

Next Week:
The tribes merge together at Gondol beach. There will be 4 original Brains, 4 original Beauty, and 3 original Brawn.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Keys to Survivor Kaoh Rong Episode 5

Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)

Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 5:
Brains (Chan Loh)
Aubry - Social Media Marketer
Debbie - Waitress, Chemist, Civil Air Patrol Capt.
Joe - Former FBI Agent
Neal - Ice Cream Entreprenuer
Peter - ER Doctor

Brawn (To Tang)
Cydney - Body Builder
Jason - Bounty Hunter (has hidden immunity idol)
Scot - Former NBA player

Beauty (Gondol)
Anna - Pro Poker Player
Julia - College Student
Michele - Bartender
Nick - Personal Trainer
Tai - Gardener (has hidden immunity idol)

Neal finds the hidden immunity idol from near the Brains camp, so now all 3 idols have been located.

Tribe switch (in lieu of Reward Challenge):
The original plan was to split 14 people into 2 tribes of 7 people. Due to Caleb's medical evacuation, there will be 2 tribes of 6 and one person who has to go back to the Brawn beach. This person will be alone, will not go to the immunity challenge or tribal council, but will not get to strategize with anyone. They will join the team that votes someone out at tribal council.

New Tribes:
Chan Loh (Blue tribe - former Brains tribe color)
Cydney - former Brawn
Debbie - former Brains
Jason - former Brawn
Michele - former Beauty
Neal - former Brains
Nick - former Beauty
This tribe has 2 members from each of the original tribes.

Gondol (Yellow tribe - former Beauty tribe color)
Anna - former Beauty
Aubry - former Brains
Joe - former Brains
Peter - former Brains
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty
This tribe has 1 original Brawn, 2 original Beauty, and 3 original Brains.

To Tang (Red 'tribe' - former Brawn tribe color)
Julia - former Beauty

Both main teams have discussions about voting out a former Beauty team member to prevent them from having the numbers advantage after Julia comes back in.

Immunity Challenge:
Two people swim out and retrieve a net of fish puzzle pieces. Two other people will untie the fish and hook them onto a horizontal pole and transport the pole to the puzzle platform. The remaining two tribe members will attempt to complete a fish puzzle (sardines in a can) using the 14 pieces.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Swimmers: Chan Loh - Jason/Nick, Gondol - Aubry/Scot
First team to arrive at net: Jason/Nick
First team to get back to shore: Aubry/Scot (Scot did just about all the work on this stage)
Untie fish and put them on hooks: Chan Loh - Cydney/Michele, Gondol - Joe/Tai
First to put all fish on hooks: Cydney/Michele (by a few seconds)
First to get fish to puzzle platform: Joe/Tai
Puzzle workers: Chan Loh - Debbie/Neal, Gondol - Anna/Peter
First to complete the puzzle: Debbie/Neal (by far)
Chan Loh wins immunity.
Gondol will vote someone out then gain Julia.

Tai informs Anna & Scot that he has a hidden immunity idol.

Tribal Council:
5-1 (Anna, Peter)
Anna leaves in 13th place.
Julia will join the Gondol tribe in the next episode.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Keys to Survivor Kaoh Rong Episode 4

Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3)

Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 4:
Brains (Chan Loh)
Aubry - Social Media Marketer
Debbie - Waitress, Chemist, Civil Air Patrol Capt.
Joe - Former FBI Agent
Neal - Ice Cream Entreprenuer
Peter - ER Doctor

Brawn (To Tang)
Alecia - Real Estate Agent
Cydney - Body Builder
Jason - Bounty Hunter (has hidden immunity idol)
Scot - Former NBA player

Beauty (Gondol)
Anna - Pro Poker Player
Caleb - Army Veteran & Big Brother contestant
Julia - College Student
Michele - Bartender
Nick - Personal Trainer
Tai - Gardener (has hidden immunity idol)

Reward Challenge:
Race through obstacles: dig under log to advance, dig up 3 bags to retrieve balls, roll the balls up into goals (skee-ball). Coffee and spices for 1st place. Salt/Pepper for 2nd place.

Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Sitting out this challenge: Anna/Julia (Beauty); Neil (Brains);  Note that you can't sit the same people in back-to-back challenges.
Arrive at the log: Brawn, Beauty, Brains
All have passed under log: Brawn, Brain, Beauty
Bags being dug up, with order they were found:
Dig up bag #1: 1-Brawn (Scot), 2-Beauty (Tai), 4-Brains (Peter)
Dig up bag #2: 3-Brawn (Scot), 5-Brains (Debbie), 7-Beauty (Caleb)
Dig up bag #3: 6-Brains (Aubry), 8-Beauty (Nick), 9-Brawn (Jason)
At 2-1-1, Brawn leading, skip ahead - elapsed time 45 minutes before more bags are found.
All 6 balls rolled into goals for the win: Brains (before other tribes start: Peter & Debbie), Beauty (mostly Caleb, Brawn eventually starts and gets 3 into the goals from Scot & Jason)

Medical aftermath:
Joe calls Jeff to get medical for Debbie - heat stroke - after they are done with challenge.
Cold water is poured on Debbie's head.
After Beauty finishes, Caleb walks over near some trees and collapses and Cydney can't stand up.
Beauty calls medical over to help Caleb. Cold water poured over him while he has trouble breathing.
Jeff calls for someone to bring a reflector to help fan Caleb.
While they tend to Caleb, Cydney stands up but soon lays down in the shade near Caleb and starts shivering.
"Alright, everybody on the crew is essential personnel. Umbrellas. Coolers. Water. Find a spot to help." - Jeff Probst
Caleb gets an oxygen mask and keeps getting water poured on him. He has trouble responding to people, but can nod.
Medical calls for 2 bags of saline to give Caleb some cold IV fluids. Blood pressure of 146/94. Ice is placed in his armpits.
Cydney has ice on her and Jason is helping out.
Medical calls for a helicopter evac for Caleb.
Medical deems Cydney ok as she continues to receive cold water poured on her.
Jeff informs Caleb that he is not quitting, but medical is pulling him from the game.
Jeff informs the Beauty tribe that Caleb is getting pulled from the game and evacuated. The helicopter arrives while they are talking.
Note on screen before next commercial break: Caleb has fully recovered, is 100% healthy... and hopes to play again.

Immunity Challenge:
Two people race into the woods, go up a wooden ladder, and untie and bring back 3 rope puzzle pieces. Two people race into the water to dive down, untie, and bring back 3 more rope puzzle pieces. Once all pieces are back, two people put together a 9-piece snake puzzle.

Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Sitting out this challenge: Tai (Beauty), Joe (Brains)
Arrive at the ladder: Alecia/Cydney (Brawn), Anna/Julia (Beauty), Debbie/Peter (Brains)
Back with 1st set of rope pieces: Brawn, Beauty, Brains
Who swam out to dive for pieces: Jason/Scot, Michele/Nick, Aubry/Neil
Back with 2nd set of rope pieces: Beauty, Brawn, Brains
Start completing the puzzle: Anna/Julia (Beauty), Alecia/Cydney (Brawn), Debbie/Neil (Brains)
Peter goes in for Debbie.
Nick goes in for Anna after Brains finish.
Complete the puzzle to win the challenge: Brains, Beauty

Brawn almost does tribal right after the other tribes leave, but Alecia won't agree.
"Your on the Brawn tribe because you don't take any lip from anybody at any time for any reason." - Jeff Probst to Alecia at tribal.

Tribal council: 3-1 (Alecia, Scot) in the most predictable vote in many seasons.

Scenes from the next episode indicate that there will be a tribal switch.  "Everybody drop your buffs. We are switching things up."

Keys to Survivor Kaoh Rong Episode 3

Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2)

Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 3:
Brains (Chan Loh)
Aubry - Social Media Marketer
Debbie - Waitress, Chemist, Civil Air Patrol Capt.
Joe - Former FBI Agent
Liz - Quantitative Strategist
Neal - Ice Cream Entreprenuer
Peter - ER Doctor

Brawn (To Tang)
Alecia - Real Estate Agent
Cydney - Body Builder
Jason - Bounty Hunter
Scot - Former NBA player

Beauty (Gondol)
Anna - Pro Poker Player
Caleb - Army Veteran & Big Brother contestant
Julia - College Student
Michele - Bartender
Nick - Personal Trainer
Tai - Gardener

Tai makes a tool to retrieve the key to the idol. He gets the idol and finds out that this season it can be combined with another idol to form a super idol that can be used after votes are read.
Alecia finds clue to the idol. She tells Cydney and they dig to find it. Cydney finds stuff but doesn't tell Alecia. They go back to camp after Jason finds them digging. Cydney secretly tells the boys what they found while Alecia is in the ocean but tells Alecia that Jason just went back because he saw them. Jason finds the clue to the key. The boys make a tool, get the key out and grab it before Alecia can grab it. Jason ends up with the idol.

Reward/Immunity Challenge:
Jump off a platform in the water, swim to boat, bring 3 bags of rice through a small hole in an obstacle and across a balance beam to the beach. Get 3 balls out of the bag of rice. Maneuver the balls up an inclined board with holes (looks like swiss cheese) into 3 goals at the top, all while balancing on a beam.
Reward is either comfort items or their personal emotional items for inspiration. 1st tribe gets choice, 2nd tribe gets what is left.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Sitting out this challenge: Anna/Michele (Beauty); Aubry/Joe (Brains)
Get the rice bags out of the boat: Beauty, Brawn, Brains
Rice bags all pushed through the obstacle: Beauty, Brawn, Brains
Rice bags all across the balance beam: Beauty, Brawn, Brains
Find all 3 balls: Beauty, Brawn, Brains
Ball 1 in goal: Julia (Beauty), Cydney drops twice (Brawn) then switches out, Liz (Brains), Jason (Brawn)
Ball 2 in goal: Tai (Beauty), Peter (Brains), Scot (Brawn)
Ball 3 in goal for the win: Caleb (Beauty), Cydney (Brawn) 1-3 seconds before Debbie. Cydney got massive verbal help from Jason.
Beauty chooses the comfort items.
Brawn gets their emotional items.

Peter/Liz are a pair and are targeting Neil.
Aubry/Neil are a pair.
Debbie/Joe are a pair and are targeting either Liz or Peter.

Tribal council: 2-2-2 (Peter,Liz,Aubry). Revote: 4-0 (Liz). #Blindside

Keys to Survivor Kaoh Rong Episode 2

Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1)

Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 2:
Brains (Chan Loh)
Aubry - Social Media Marketer
Debbie - Waitress, Chemist, Civil Air Patrol Capt.
Joe - Former FBI Agent
Liz - Quantitative Strategist
Neal - Ice Cream Entreprenuer
Peter - ER Doctor

Brawn (To Tang)
Alecia - Real Estate Agent
Cydney - Body Builder
Jason - Bounty Hunter
Jenny - Conractor
Scot - Former NBA player

Beauty (Gondol)
Anna - Pro Poker Player
Caleb - Army Veteran & Big Brother contestant
Julia - College Student
Michele - Bartender
Nick - Personal Trainer
Tai - Gardener

Alecia starts fire after trying for roughly 5 hours when everyone else had given up trying.
Tai finds the locked idol, the clue to get the key, and tries to climb the tree but just rips up his feet.

Reward/Immunity Challenge:
Race up a river to get a log, carry/float it through obstacles. Untie a ball that stays tethered and use it to knock down 2 targets with a giant slingshot. Reward is fishing gear (less gear for team 2).
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Sitting out this challenge: Debbie (Brains), Julia (Beauty)
Get the log untied: Brawn, Beauty, Brains
Through obstacles: Beauty, Brawn, Brains
Firing the ball at targets: Scot (Brawn), Peter (Brains), Caleb (Beauty)
1st target: Beauty, Brains, Brawn
2nd target for the win: Beauty, Brains

Alecia & Jenny discuss girls alliance. Both are responsible.
Jenny says the best thing you can do in this game is make "getting out the strongest players now while you still can". Then Alecia points out the potential all-girls alliance.
Jenny mentions this at tribal and moves the target to herself.

Tribal council: 3-2 (Jenny, Alecia) (2 minority votes were Jenny & Scot)

Keys to Survivor Kaoh Rong Episode 1

Welcome to Keyes2Survivor Kaoh Rong.  Let me know what you think about the format for this season's blog.

Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 1:
Brains (Chan Loh)
Aubry - Social Media Marketer
Debbie - Waitress, Chemist, Civil Air Patrol Capt.
Joe - Former FBI Agent
Liz - Quantitative Strategist
Neal - Ice Cream Entreprenuer
Peter - ER Doctor

Brawn (To Tang)
Alecia - Real Estate Agent
Cydney - Body Builder
Darnell - Postal Worker
Jason - Bounty Hunter
Jenny - Conractor
Scot - Former NBA player

Beauty (Gondol)
Anna - Pro Poker Player
Caleb - Army Veteran & Big Brother contestant
Julia - College Student
Michele - Bartender
Nick - Personal Trainer
Tai - Gardener

Reward/Immunity Challenge:
Dive down to get paddles, get to shore, add wheels to your boat, pull it up shore, choose puzzle or dexterity, complete your choice.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Who were the divers: Brawn - Darnell (then Jenny, then Jason); Brains - Aubry; Beauty - Michele (then Caleb, then Tai)
Darnell lost the dive mask in the beginning.
Start paddling back: Beauty, Brains, Brawn
Boat in cradle on shore: Beauty, Brains, Brawn
Pulling the boat up shore: Brains, Brawn, Beauty
Who was pulling on the rope attached to the boat: Brains - Aubry/Debbie; Brawn - Alecia/Jenny; Beauty - Julia/Michele
Boat in final location and choice made: Brains, Brawn, Beauty (all 3 chose puzzle)
Who solved the puzzle: Beauty - Anna/Julia; Brains - Alecia/Jenny (Scot replaced Alecia); Brains - Aubry/Liz
Alecia appeared to be unhelpful with the puzzle.
Win: Brains, Beauty (over Brawn by 1 piece)

Tribal council: 3-3 (Darnell, Alecia). Revote: 4-0 (Darnell)