Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Keys to Survivor Kaoh Rong Episode 10

Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)
13th Anna - Beauty (voted out Episode 5, Day 13)
12th Peter - Brains (voted out Episode 6, Day 16)
---Start forming the jury---
11th Neal - Brains (medical evacuation due to infection near knee, Day 19)
10th Nick - Beauty (voted out Episode 8, Day 22)
9th Debbie - Brains (voted out Episode 9, Day 24)

Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 10:
Dara (merged tribe - black buffs)
Aubry - former Brains
Cydney - former Brawn
Jason - former Brawn (gave his immunity idol to Tai)
Joe - former Brains
Julia - former Beauty
Michele - former Beauty
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty (has 2 hidden immunity idols)

Aftermath from previous vote:
Tai hands the extra immunity idol back to Jason.
Scot tells Aubry that camp can return to normal if they will be on board with voting out Cydney.

Reward Challenge:
Stand on a platform with one foot on one end of a balancing beam that has a large ceramic pot sitting on top of a smaller ceramic pot. You can't touch the structure. When your pots drop, you're out of the challenge.
There are 3 different rewards. You must choose secretly which you want to play for before the challenge starts.
Reward #1: Food - Bacon cheeseburger, french fries, cold beer, soda, chocolate chip cookies.
Reward #2: Love - Letters from your loved ones.
Reward #3: Advantage - specifics to remain a mystery until after the challenge.
You only compete against the people playing for the same reward.

Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Playing for Advantage:  Tai, Cydney, Aubry
Playing for Food:  Scot, Jason, Michele
Playing for Love:  Julia, Joe
Joe is out in 30 seconds.
Julia wins letters from home.
Scot is out less than 2 minutes in, leaving Jason & Michele to fight for Food.
With a breeze, Jason drops at about 3 minutes in.
Michele wins food.
Cydney is out at about 4 minutes, leaving Tai & Aubry fighting for Advantage.
Elapsed time: 10 minutes.
After another breeze, Aubry drops out.
Tai wins the advantage.
It should be noted that the former Beauty tribe swept this challenge.

Tai is instructed to bring the advantage back to camp, find a private spot, open it, and read it.
The note tells him to go to Tree Mail.
At Tree Mail, he opens a box that says "Congratulations, You've won yourself an extra vote."
He does not have to share this information. The extra vote will be in addition to his regular vote at tribal council. It cannot be stolen from him. It is to be used after Jeff says "I'll go tally the votes". At that time you will announce it and return to the voting booth to write another name and place it into the urn. The vote is non-transferrable. The last time this extra vote can be used is when there are 5 people left in the game.

Immunity Challenge:
Stretch your arms out and use your fingertips to press against 2 wooden disks. Attached to the disks are ceramic pots that are hanging from twine. If either pot drops, you're out of the challenge.
The distance between the posts on the other side of the wooden disks must be normalized to the height of the person at each station since all contestants are reaching out about equally.
It is designed so you can't put your palms flat on the disks.

Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Joe is out in 8th place in less than a minute.
Elapsed time: 25 minutes.
Scot is out in 7th place.
Julia is out in 6th place.
Tai is out in 5th place.
Michele is out in 4th place.
Elapsed time: 45 minutes.
Cydney is out in 3rd place.
Elapsed time: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
Aubry is out in 2nd place.
Jason wins individual immunity and is guaranteed at least a 1 in 7 chance of winning.

Tribal Council:
Before tribal council, Jason gave his immunity idol to Scot in case it is needed as part of a super idol.
Before the votes are read aloud, Julia tells Tai to play his idol. Scot tells Tai not to play it.
The votes are 4-2-2 (Scot, Aubry, Tai).
Scot and Jason wait for Tai to help Scot to create a super idol. Tai doen't offer any help.
Scot shakes hands with Jason and wishes him good luck.
Aubry, Cydney, Joe, and Tai voted for Scot.
Jason and Scot voted for Aubry.
Julia and Michele voted for Tai.
Scot is voted out and becomes the 4th member of the jury. #Wow
Because Scot was in possession of a hidden immunity idol, it leaves the game with him.

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