Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)
13th Anna - Beauty (voted out Episode 5, Day 13)
Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 5:
Chan Loh (Blue tribe - former Brains tribe color)
Cydney - former Brawn
Debbie - former Brains
Jason - former Brawn (has hidden immunity idol)
Michele - former Beauty
Neal - former Brains (has hidden immunity idol)
Nick - former Beauty
Gondol (Yellow tribe - former Beauty tribe color)
Aubry - former Brains
Joe - former Brains
Julia - former Beauty (joining after 2 days alone)
Peter - former Brains
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty (has hidden immunity idol)
Julia returns from Brawn beach and joins Gondol at the reward challenge.
Reward Challenge:
One person releases buoys from underwater. That person and 3 others get all the buoys to shore and into a rack. Then 2 people shoot them into a basket. First tribe to get 10 buoys in the basket wins reward.
Reward is a Survivor Picnic. Breads, meats, cheeses, drinks.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Diving: Aubry (Gondol), Michele (Chan Loh)
First to get to dive point: Michele
First to release buoys: Aubry (by a large margin)
First to get all buoys to shore: Gondol
Shooters: Nick/Cydney (does not shoot), Scot/Joe (does not shoot)
Shot order (shown here as streaks when possible, for dramatic effect):
Scot, Scot, Nick, Scot (Gondol leads 3-1)
Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick (Chan Loh leads 5-3)
Scot, Nick, Nick, Scot, Scot, Nick (Chan Loh leads 8-6)
Scot, Scot, Scot, Scot
Gondol wins.
Immunity Challenge:
This one is all about teamwork. Get through a series of obstacles as a team. Two people knock blocks off of an overhead net. Then everyone stacks the blocks vertically. First team to stack them all wins. There are 2 sizes of blocks - about 8" and 6" cubes.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
First team over a log ladder: Chan Loh
First team over a 5 foot high rolling barrel: Chan Loh
First team over a net ramp (start on high side that is ~9 feet tall): Chan Loh
First team to knock all of the blocks off the overhead net: Gondol
Gondol stacks the small blocks first, then tries to transition that stack up while larger ones are placed below.
Debbie on Nick's shoulders while Gondol's small stack falls.
Joe is hit in the head with a falling block.
Tai on Scott's shoulders as Debbie drops the top 3 blocks.
Chan Loh wins immunity, finishing about 5 seconds before Gondol.
Peter had been plotting against Aubry & Joe, but after the challenge Joe & Peter make up and decide to target Julia. Peter then tells Scot this plan. Julia & Tai then try to sway Aubry to work with them to vote out Peter by telling her that he had talked about voting Aubry out. Aubry asks if Joe will switch the vote to Peter, but he is against this idea. Without an idea about if Aubry is with them, Tai & Scot think they may have to vote for Julia.
Tribal Council:
Lots of side talking while others are answering questions. Scot tells Julia "Original Plan". Aubry seems confused or conflicted.
4-2 (Peter, Julia). Aubry had voted for Julia, but crossed it out and changed it to Peter.
Next Week:
The tribes merge together at Gondol beach. There will be 4 original Brains, 4 original Beauty, and 3 original Brawn.
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