Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3)
Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 4:
Brains (Chan Loh)
Aubry - Social Media Marketer
Debbie - Waitress, Chemist, Civil Air Patrol Capt.
Joe - Former FBI Agent
Neal - Ice Cream Entreprenuer
Peter - ER Doctor
Brawn (To Tang)
Alecia - Real Estate Agent
Cydney - Body Builder
Jason - Bounty Hunter (has hidden immunity idol)
Scot - Former NBA player
Beauty (Gondol)
Anna - Pro Poker Player
Caleb - Army Veteran & Big Brother contestant
Julia - College Student
Michele - Bartender
Nick - Personal Trainer
Tai - Gardener (has hidden immunity idol)
Reward Challenge:
Race through obstacles: dig under log to advance, dig up 3 bags to retrieve balls, roll the balls up into goals (skee-ball). Coffee and spices for 1st place. Salt/Pepper for 2nd place.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Sitting out this challenge: Anna/Julia (Beauty); Neil (Brains); Note that you can't sit the same people in back-to-back challenges.
Arrive at the log: Brawn, Beauty, Brains
All have passed under log: Brawn, Brain, Beauty
Bags being dug up, with order they were found:
Dig up bag #1: 1-Brawn (Scot), 2-Beauty (Tai), 4-Brains (Peter)
Dig up bag #2: 3-Brawn (Scot), 5-Brains (Debbie), 7-Beauty (Caleb)
Dig up bag #3: 6-Brains (Aubry), 8-Beauty (Nick), 9-Brawn (Jason)
At 2-1-1, Brawn leading, skip ahead - elapsed time 45 minutes before more bags are found.
All 6 balls rolled into goals for the win: Brains (before other tribes start: Peter & Debbie), Beauty (mostly Caleb, Brawn eventually starts and gets 3 into the goals from Scot & Jason)
Medical aftermath:
Joe calls Jeff to get medical for Debbie - heat stroke - after they are done with challenge.
Cold water is poured on Debbie's head.
After Beauty finishes, Caleb walks over near some trees and collapses and Cydney can't stand up.
Beauty calls medical over to help Caleb. Cold water poured over him while he has trouble breathing.
Jeff calls for someone to bring a reflector to help fan Caleb.
While they tend to Caleb, Cydney stands up but soon lays down in the shade near Caleb and starts shivering.
"Alright, everybody on the crew is essential personnel. Umbrellas. Coolers. Water. Find a spot to help." - Jeff Probst
Caleb gets an oxygen mask and keeps getting water poured on him. He has trouble responding to people, but can nod.
Medical calls for 2 bags of saline to give Caleb some cold IV fluids. Blood pressure of 146/94. Ice is placed in his armpits.
Cydney has ice on her and Jason is helping out.
Medical calls for a helicopter evac for Caleb.
Medical deems Cydney ok as she continues to receive cold water poured on her.
Jeff informs Caleb that he is not quitting, but medical is pulling him from the game.
Jeff informs the Beauty tribe that Caleb is getting pulled from the game and evacuated. The helicopter arrives while they are talking.
Note on screen before next commercial break: Caleb has fully recovered, is 100% healthy... and hopes to play again.
Immunity Challenge:
Two people race into the woods, go up a wooden ladder, and untie and bring back 3 rope puzzle pieces. Two people race into the water to dive down, untie, and bring back 3 more rope puzzle pieces. Once all pieces are back, two people put together a 9-piece snake puzzle.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Sitting out this challenge: Tai (Beauty), Joe (Brains)
Arrive at the ladder: Alecia/Cydney (Brawn), Anna/Julia (Beauty), Debbie/Peter (Brains)
Back with 1st set of rope pieces: Brawn, Beauty, Brains
Who swam out to dive for pieces: Jason/Scot, Michele/Nick, Aubry/Neil
Back with 2nd set of rope pieces: Beauty, Brawn, Brains
Start completing the puzzle: Anna/Julia (Beauty), Alecia/Cydney (Brawn), Debbie/Neil (Brains)
Peter goes in for Debbie.
Nick goes in for Anna after Brains finish.
Complete the puzzle to win the challenge: Brains, Beauty
Brawn almost does tribal right after the other tribes leave, but Alecia won't agree.
"Your on the Brawn tribe because you don't take any lip from anybody at any time for any reason." - Jeff Probst to Alecia at tribal.
Tribal council: 3-1 (Alecia, Scot) in the most predictable vote in many seasons.
Scenes from the next episode indicate that there will be a tribal switch. "Everybody drop your buffs. We are switching things up."
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