Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Keys to Survivor Kaoh Rong Episode 5

Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)

Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 5:
Brains (Chan Loh)
Aubry - Social Media Marketer
Debbie - Waitress, Chemist, Civil Air Patrol Capt.
Joe - Former FBI Agent
Neal - Ice Cream Entreprenuer
Peter - ER Doctor

Brawn (To Tang)
Cydney - Body Builder
Jason - Bounty Hunter (has hidden immunity idol)
Scot - Former NBA player

Beauty (Gondol)
Anna - Pro Poker Player
Julia - College Student
Michele - Bartender
Nick - Personal Trainer
Tai - Gardener (has hidden immunity idol)

Neal finds the hidden immunity idol from near the Brains camp, so now all 3 idols have been located.

Tribe switch (in lieu of Reward Challenge):
The original plan was to split 14 people into 2 tribes of 7 people. Due to Caleb's medical evacuation, there will be 2 tribes of 6 and one person who has to go back to the Brawn beach. This person will be alone, will not go to the immunity challenge or tribal council, but will not get to strategize with anyone. They will join the team that votes someone out at tribal council.

New Tribes:
Chan Loh (Blue tribe - former Brains tribe color)
Cydney - former Brawn
Debbie - former Brains
Jason - former Brawn
Michele - former Beauty
Neal - former Brains
Nick - former Beauty
This tribe has 2 members from each of the original tribes.

Gondol (Yellow tribe - former Beauty tribe color)
Anna - former Beauty
Aubry - former Brains
Joe - former Brains
Peter - former Brains
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty
This tribe has 1 original Brawn, 2 original Beauty, and 3 original Brains.

To Tang (Red 'tribe' - former Brawn tribe color)
Julia - former Beauty

Both main teams have discussions about voting out a former Beauty team member to prevent them from having the numbers advantage after Julia comes back in.

Immunity Challenge:
Two people swim out and retrieve a net of fish puzzle pieces. Two other people will untie the fish and hook them onto a horizontal pole and transport the pole to the puzzle platform. The remaining two tribe members will attempt to complete a fish puzzle (sardines in a can) using the 14 pieces.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Swimmers: Chan Loh - Jason/Nick, Gondol - Aubry/Scot
First team to arrive at net: Jason/Nick
First team to get back to shore: Aubry/Scot (Scot did just about all the work on this stage)
Untie fish and put them on hooks: Chan Loh - Cydney/Michele, Gondol - Joe/Tai
First to put all fish on hooks: Cydney/Michele (by a few seconds)
First to get fish to puzzle platform: Joe/Tai
Puzzle workers: Chan Loh - Debbie/Neal, Gondol - Anna/Peter
First to complete the puzzle: Debbie/Neal (by far)
Chan Loh wins immunity.
Gondol will vote someone out then gain Julia.

Tai informs Anna & Scot that he has a hidden immunity idol.

Tribal Council:
5-1 (Anna, Peter)
Anna leaves in 13th place.
Julia will join the Gondol tribe in the next episode.

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