Sunday, December 13, 2015

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep13

Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 13 Start
Final Ta Keo Final Bayon Color for Ankgor
Abi Maria    Jeremy

Spencer      Kimmi

Name colors indicate original tribe and 2nd tribe.  Column indicates 3rd tribe.  For example, Spencer starts with Ta Keo color, then finishes with Bayon color, and is in the Ta Keo column, indicating he was on those tribes in that order.  If name is all one color, that was their original and 2nd tribe.
Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.  Don’t complain to me if you’re confused by this unless you know of a better way to show it concisely - there were lots of tribe switches through this part of the season.
Jeremy is back down to just one hidden immunity idol.
Kelley has a hidden immunity idol from under the new shelter.
(Last Name that is often used: Kelley Wentworth)

Episode 13 recap (12/9/2015)
The episode starts with us finding out that Keith really didn’t know what was going on with the vote.  His vote for Tasha was totally legit.  Tasha doesn’t like this and is now targeting him.

For reward, they weave through a small structure to unwind the rope they are hitched to.  They decide when they think they have enough rope to complete the challenge.  Move forward, build a horizontal ladder bridge by placing the rungs through the loops that hold them, then use sandbags to knock 15 wooden blocks from a triangle stack off of the table.  First person to do this wins a trip to the Cambodian temples where they started the season, food, Cambodian ceremonies, and a good night rest at the temple.  Keith won this challenge in San Juan del Sur.  Several people get to the point of throwing sandbags, but Keith got there first and is the only one with enough rope to retrieve the sandbags for additional throws.  Keith easily wins reward.

Keith is allowed to choose one person to go with him.  He chooses Kelley as thanks for her choosing him in the last reward.  Jeff lets him choose one more person.  He awkwardly chooses Spencer, then can’t really explain why.  Something about Spencer having young love and missing out on the last reward.  Keith forgets Tasha’s name (I bet she wishes he’d forget her name when he’s writing it at tribal council).

Those left back at camp discuss voting out Keith.  Jeremy and Spencer are still worried about an all women alliance.  Jeremy and Tasha want to talk, but Abi doesn’t want to give them free time alone.

For immunity, they must race across obstacles in the water, swim out ~30 feet to a buoy, retrieve a key, race back, unlock puzzle pieces and solve it.  The puzzle is the 5-piece choice from World’s Apart that was not chosen.  The race comes down to Jeremy, who gets to the puzzle first, and Spencer who is close behind him.  Jeremy has started the puzzle, but Spencer puts it together as if he’d seen it before.  (Arguably, as a fan, he could have paused on the screen when it was shown on TV and could have remembered the hardest part like I did.)  Spencer wins immunity and is safe from the vote.

Tasha tells Jeremy and Spencer that it would be terrible if Abi, Keith, and Kelley make it to the end this season.  She suggests voting out Abi.  Spencer finds himself in the middle.  He could vote with Kimmi, Jeremy, and Tasha to vote out the weak players, or he could vote with Kelley, Abi and Keith to take out the big guns and go to the end with players easier to beat.  At tribal, everyone talks about which “we” they are part of.  We learn there are lots of “we”s in the game right now.  In the end, Keith and Kelley vote for Tasha, Abi votes for Keith, and the rest vote for Abi.  As it turns out, Abi truly didn’t have a “we”.  Abi is voted out 4-2-1.

Was the right person voted out?
For an exciting season, yes.  Abi couldn’t possibly win at final tribal, so let’s get rid of her now.  This increases the chances of deserving players arguing for the million dollar prize.
For pure strategy, yes again.  Abi is a firecracker, ready to explode and ruin anyone’s plans.  She easily gets upset and any minor alliance can take her in and use her for numbers, just like Savage and Tasha did on Angkor.

1 comment:

  1. So glad I don't have to listen to Abi anymore...that's all I ever really wanted :)
