Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 12 Start
Final Ta Keo Final Bayon Color for Ankgor
Abi Maria Jeremy
Spencer Kimmi
Name colors indicate original tribe and 2nd tribe. Column indicates 3rd tribe. For example, Spencer starts with Ta Keo color, then finishes with Bayon color, and is in the Ta Keo column, indicating he was on those tribes in that order. If name is all one color, that was their original and 2nd tribe.
Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you. Don’t complain to me if you’re confused by this unless you know of a better way to show it concisely - there were lots of tribe switches through this part of the season.
Jeremy is back down to just one hidden immunity idol.
Kelley has a hidden immunity idol from under the new shelter.
(Last Name that is often used: Kelley Wentworth)
Episode 12 recap (12/2/2015)
Kimmi starts plotting how to win this game. She is thinking about an all female alliance, voting Joe out first if possible. I love irony. Kimmi sold out Monica in episode 5 for suggesting the same thing. Good to see that it’s OK to do now but wasn’t then.
The reward challenge is for time with your loved ones. Here’s the list of which loved ones showed up.
Abi-Maria's mom, same one who came out to see her in Philippines
Spencer's girlfriend
Jeremy's wife Val who had played in San Juan del Sur
Kimmi's dad
Joe's dad
Keith's wife
Tasha's cousin
Kelley's dad Dale who had played in San Juan del Sur
For the challenge, dig up a rope, find three bags of puzzle pieces attached to it, spin around a post to get a fourth bag, walk dizzily across a balance beam and collect a fifth bag in the middle, the solve a word puzzle. I didn’t watch as they revealed the solution so I could try to solve with the contestants. I wasn’t able to figure it out given the look I had at the letters. It was only one word (not multiple as I and others thought). I believe the answer was REFRESHMENT, and the challenge was won by Kelley. Abi was close behind, but thought the word was redemption.
Kelley is allowed to choose 3 others to keep their loved one and get a food reward. She chooses Abi, Kimmi, and Keith. Jeff then lets her choose just one more and she gives reward to Joe. Jeremy, Tasha, and Spencer are the only three left out and they make a potential deal to go to the final three.
In the immunity challenge, you must hold onto the bottom of a 1-foot pole with a disk on top and balance a wood statue. If you’re statue falls, you’re out of the challenge. Every 2 minutes you must add another 1-foot section of pole up to a maximum of 16 feet. Two people will win immunity - one man and one woman. Kelley wins immunity among the women roughly half-way through the challenge. The men’s immunity comes down to Keith and Joe at the final 16-foot height. Time lapse… After about 90 minutes they’re both still in it and amazingly saving their statue from wind gusts and a bending pole. Finally, Joe’s body gives out as he falls down, fainting from low blood sugar. Keith joins Kelley in winning immunity.
Tasha decides to tell Jeremy and Spencer about the proposed all-girl alliance so they don’t hear about it from someone else. She says she isn’t on board with that, but Joe should still be the target. Jeremy and Spencer are nervous now. Should they vote out Joe and risk the women taking over, or keeping Joe and targeting Abi instead. Both choices make Spencer “terrified”. Ultimately, Spencer and Jeremy decide to help vote out Joe. Joe votes for Abi, Keith votes for Tasha (is he way off base or did promise to not vote for Joe?). Joe is voted out 6-1-1.
Was the right person voted out?
Heck yes! They already didn’t vote Joe out the first time he was vulnerable. Although four consecutive immunity wins are rare, you don’t want to give Joe the chance. Joe is like the new Ozzy, but better. There was no better move here. Of course, as a fan, it’s rough to see Joe voted out, but as a hopeful future player I’d have done the same thing.
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