Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 10 Start
Final Ta Keo Final Bayon Color for Ankgor
Abi Maria Jeremy
Spencer Stephen
Ciera Kimmi
Name colors indicate original tribe and 2nd tribe. Column indicates 3rd tribe. For example, Spencer starts with Ta Keo color, then finishes with Bayon color, and is in the Ta Keo column, indicating he was on those tribes in that order. If name is all one color, that was their original and 2nd tribe.
Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you. Don’t complain to me if you’re confused by this unless you know of a better way to show it concisely - there were lots of tribe switches through this part of the season.
Jeremy has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the new Bayon camp.
Jeremy has a 2nd hidden immunity idol from the night clue.
Stephen has an advantage that lets him steal a vote from another player.
(Last Names that are often used: Kelley Wentworth, Stephen Fishbach)
Note: Episodes 10 & 11 aired back-to-back on the same night.
Both are included in this post.
Episode 10 recap (11/25/2015)
For reward, the tribe is split into two teams of five. There are 3 vs 3 battles in the water to retrieve a ball and be the first to put it through a hoop. The first team to score in three of these battles wins food and a trip to see local performers. Joe, Spencer, Abi-Maria, Tasha, and Ciera win reward.
Ciera wants Stephen gone: to save herself and because he has a hidden advantage. Others back at camp want Joe gone. Meanwhile a relentless rain makes life miserable around the clock. Stephen is the most miserable due to some internal issues he’s having that make him need to leave the shelter repeatedly.
At the immunity challenge, Jeff is made aware of how miserable things are for the tribe. He gives them each a white rock and a black rock, then explains the challenge. They must hold a round ball up above their head against a piece of wood using something that looks like a rolling pin. This is done while balancing on one foot. Last person with their ball still up there wins. Here’s the catch: you can sit out of the challenge and vote for having the crew build/improve their shelter so the elements aren’t so harsh going forward (white rock) or play on (black rock). If at least 5 people sit out, the improvements will be made. When they reveal, only Joe and Keith decide to fight for immunity. Joe knows he’s a target. Keith just wants to play. So the two of them battle it out and Joe emerges victorious again.
Ciera is targeted as the most dangerous, but Ciera, Kelley, and Abi try to convince the others that Stephen should be the target because of his advantage. Some people are swayed by this plan and Stephen gets several votes. But Jeremy had been told about the plan and decides to play one of his hidden immunity idols to save Stephen. All 5 votes for Stephen are negated and Ciera is effectively voted out 3-2.
Was the right person voted out (Ep10)?
I don’t think so, but it was close. Assuming a position from within the majority alliance, Ciera and Kelley are the biggest problems going forward. But Kelley has made a bigger move and so I see her as a bigger threat. That being said, Ciera has been much more vocal trying to get people to turn on their alliance, so it wasn’t a bad move at all.
Episode 11 recap (also 11/25/2015)
Jeremy is congratulated on a good move. He tells Spencer that he would have saved Spencer if it was necessary.
For the reward challenge, they listen to stories and history about Cambodia before running out to 5 different stations in the dark (carrying torches to light their way) and answering multiple choice questions. They grab a wrapped-up medallion and bring it back to their base station. If the answer is correct, their medallion is metal and they can hang it up, otherwise they have to go back out and answer that question again. During the challenge, Kelley unwraps one of her medallions and finds a paper wrapped up with it. She pockets this paper to save for later. The challenge comes down to Stephen and Spencer. Stephen edges out a victory. He wins a helicopter ride to a resort with food. He gets to choose two people, then a third, to go with him. He chooses Tasha to try to rekindle an alliance and Jeremy to thank him for saving him in the last vote.
Stephen decides to tell Tasha and Jeremy exactly what his advantage is, in hopes of relieving some of the target it has placed on him. Most of the others at camp decide to vote against the Kimmi and the three on reward since it seems like they’re the top people based on Stephen’s choices. Kelley reads the paper from the challenge and it says there is an idol under the newly rebuilt shelter. She waits impatiently as people leave camp for various purposes. Abi stays longer than normal, but eventually leaves too. Kelley then scurries under and gets the idol, although it is harder to untie than she predicted and she is almost caught when people start returning.
For immunity, they have to build a 3-tier tower in a circular shape using only their feet, then place a flag in the middle of it, also with their feet. This challenge is hard to predict a winner because things can crash down at any time. Ultimately, Spencer is able to finish before Joe and it’s now possible for people to vote for Joe.
Stephen wants to vote Joe out, like always, but wants to guard against a potential hidden immunity idol. He tells Spencer about the advantage and that they can split the votes 3-3 between Abi and Joe. He’ll do this by stealing Joe’s vote and using it against him. Spencer says he’s on board, but ends up voting with Abi, Keith, and Kelley against Stephen instead. Stephen is voted out 4-3-2.
Was the right person voted out (Ep11)?
He sure was. He was so fixated on voting out Joe that he was willing to trust others more than he should. He needed that big move so badly, but Spencer saw that it would be a big move and rightly voted him out instead. Sure, voting out Joe was the better choice on paper, but it isn’t a big move. He can’t likely keep winning immunity every time so they can get him next time. Certainly for Spencer, it keeps Joe around as a bigger target and makes Spencer important as someone who is needed to beat Joe at immunity.
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