Sunday, December 13, 2015

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep13

Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 13 Start
Final Ta Keo Final Bayon Color for Ankgor
Abi Maria    Jeremy

Spencer      Kimmi

Name colors indicate original tribe and 2nd tribe.  Column indicates 3rd tribe.  For example, Spencer starts with Ta Keo color, then finishes with Bayon color, and is in the Ta Keo column, indicating he was on those tribes in that order.  If name is all one color, that was their original and 2nd tribe.
Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.  Don’t complain to me if you’re confused by this unless you know of a better way to show it concisely - there were lots of tribe switches through this part of the season.
Jeremy is back down to just one hidden immunity idol.
Kelley has a hidden immunity idol from under the new shelter.
(Last Name that is often used: Kelley Wentworth)

Episode 13 recap (12/9/2015)
The episode starts with us finding out that Keith really didn’t know what was going on with the vote.  His vote for Tasha was totally legit.  Tasha doesn’t like this and is now targeting him.

For reward, they weave through a small structure to unwind the rope they are hitched to.  They decide when they think they have enough rope to complete the challenge.  Move forward, build a horizontal ladder bridge by placing the rungs through the loops that hold them, then use sandbags to knock 15 wooden blocks from a triangle stack off of the table.  First person to do this wins a trip to the Cambodian temples where they started the season, food, Cambodian ceremonies, and a good night rest at the temple.  Keith won this challenge in San Juan del Sur.  Several people get to the point of throwing sandbags, but Keith got there first and is the only one with enough rope to retrieve the sandbags for additional throws.  Keith easily wins reward.

Keith is allowed to choose one person to go with him.  He chooses Kelley as thanks for her choosing him in the last reward.  Jeff lets him choose one more person.  He awkwardly chooses Spencer, then can’t really explain why.  Something about Spencer having young love and missing out on the last reward.  Keith forgets Tasha’s name (I bet she wishes he’d forget her name when he’s writing it at tribal council).

Those left back at camp discuss voting out Keith.  Jeremy and Spencer are still worried about an all women alliance.  Jeremy and Tasha want to talk, but Abi doesn’t want to give them free time alone.

For immunity, they must race across obstacles in the water, swim out ~30 feet to a buoy, retrieve a key, race back, unlock puzzle pieces and solve it.  The puzzle is the 5-piece choice from World’s Apart that was not chosen.  The race comes down to Jeremy, who gets to the puzzle first, and Spencer who is close behind him.  Jeremy has started the puzzle, but Spencer puts it together as if he’d seen it before.  (Arguably, as a fan, he could have paused on the screen when it was shown on TV and could have remembered the hardest part like I did.)  Spencer wins immunity and is safe from the vote.

Tasha tells Jeremy and Spencer that it would be terrible if Abi, Keith, and Kelley make it to the end this season.  She suggests voting out Abi.  Spencer finds himself in the middle.  He could vote with Kimmi, Jeremy, and Tasha to vote out the weak players, or he could vote with Kelley, Abi and Keith to take out the big guns and go to the end with players easier to beat.  At tribal, everyone talks about which “we” they are part of.  We learn there are lots of “we”s in the game right now.  In the end, Keith and Kelley vote for Tasha, Abi votes for Keith, and the rest vote for Abi.  As it turns out, Abi truly didn’t have a “we”.  Abi is voted out 4-2-1.

Was the right person voted out?
For an exciting season, yes.  Abi couldn’t possibly win at final tribal, so let’s get rid of her now.  This increases the chances of deserving players arguing for the million dollar prize.
For pure strategy, yes again.  Abi is a firecracker, ready to explode and ruin anyone’s plans.  She easily gets upset and any minor alliance can take her in and use her for numbers, just like Savage and Tasha did on Angkor.

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep12

Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 12 Start
Final Ta Keo Final Bayon Color for Ankgor
Abi Maria    Jeremy


Name colors indicate original tribe and 2nd tribe.  Column indicates 3rd tribe.  For example, Spencer starts with Ta Keo color, then finishes with Bayon color, and is in the Ta Keo column, indicating he was on those tribes in that order.  If name is all one color, that was their original and 2nd tribe.
Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.  Don’t complain to me if you’re confused by this unless you know of a better way to show it concisely - there were lots of tribe switches through this part of the season.
Jeremy is back down to just one hidden immunity idol.
Kelley has a hidden immunity idol from under the new shelter.
(Last Name that is often used: Kelley Wentworth)

Episode 12 recap (12/2/2015)
Kimmi starts plotting how to win this game.  She is thinking about an all female alliance, voting Joe out first if possible.  I love irony.  Kimmi sold out Monica in episode 5 for suggesting the same thing.  Good to see that it’s OK to do now but wasn’t then.

The reward challenge is for time with your loved ones.  Here’s the list of which loved ones showed up.
Abi-Maria's mom, same one who came out to see her in Philippines
Spencer's girlfriend
Jeremy's wife Val who had played in San Juan del Sur
Kimmi's dad
Joe's dad
Keith's wife
Tasha's cousin
Kelley's dad Dale who had played in San Juan del Sur

For the challenge, dig up a rope, find three bags of puzzle pieces attached to it, spin around a post to get a fourth bag, walk dizzily across a balance beam and collect a fifth bag in the middle, the solve a word puzzle.  I didn’t watch as they revealed the solution so I could try to solve with the contestants.  I wasn’t able to figure it out given the look I had at the letters.  It was only one word (not multiple as I and others thought).  I believe the answer was REFRESHMENT, and the challenge was won by Kelley.  Abi was close behind, but thought the word was redemption.

Kelley is allowed to choose 3 others to keep their loved one and get a food reward.  She chooses Abi, Kimmi, and Keith.  Jeff then lets her choose just one more and she gives reward to Joe.  Jeremy, Tasha, and Spencer are the only three left out and they make a potential deal to go to the final three.

In the immunity challenge, you must hold onto the bottom of a 1-foot pole with a disk on top and balance a wood statue.  If you’re statue falls, you’re out of the challenge.  Every 2 minutes you must add another 1-foot section of pole up to a maximum of 16 feet.  Two people will win immunity - one man and one woman.  Kelley wins immunity among the women roughly half-way through the challenge.  The men’s immunity comes down to Keith and Joe at the final 16-foot height.  Time lapse…  After about 90 minutes they’re both still in it and amazingly saving their statue from wind gusts and a bending pole.  Finally, Joe’s body gives out as he falls down, fainting from low blood sugar.  Keith joins Kelley in winning immunity.

Tasha decides to tell Jeremy and Spencer about the proposed all-girl alliance so they don’t hear about it from someone else.  She says she isn’t on board with that, but Joe should still be the target.  Jeremy and Spencer are nervous now.  Should they vote out Joe and risk the women taking over, or keeping Joe and targeting Abi instead.  Both choices make Spencer “terrified”.  Ultimately, Spencer and Jeremy decide to help vote out Joe.  Joe votes for Abi, Keith votes for Tasha (is he way off base or did promise to not vote for Joe?).  Joe is voted out 6-1-1.

Was the right person voted out?
Heck yes!  They already didn’t vote Joe out the first time he was vulnerable.  Although four consecutive immunity wins are rare, you don’t want to give Joe the chance.  Joe is like the new Ozzy, but better.  There was no better move here.  Of course, as a fan, it’s rough to see Joe voted out, but as a hopeful future player I’d have done the same thing.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep10-11

Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 10 Start
Final Ta Keo Final Bayon Color for Ankgor
Abi Maria    Jeremy
Spencer      Stephen

Ciera        Kimmi


Name colors indicate original tribe and 2nd tribe.  Column indicates 3rd tribe.  For example, Spencer starts with Ta Keo color, then finishes with Bayon color, and is in the Ta Keo column, indicating he was on those tribes in that order.  If name is all one color, that was their original and 2nd tribe.
Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.  Don’t complain to me if you’re confused by this unless you know of a better way to show it concisely - there were lots of tribe switches through this part of the season.
Jeremy has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the new Bayon camp.
Jeremy has a 2nd hidden immunity idol from the night clue.
Stephen has an advantage that lets him steal a vote from another player.
(Last Names that are often used:  Kelley Wentworth, Stephen Fishbach)

Note: Episodes 10 & 11 aired back-to-back on the same night.
Both are included in this post.
Episode 10 recap (11/25/2015)
For reward, the tribe is split into two teams of five.  There are 3 vs 3 battles in the water to retrieve a ball and be the first to put it through a hoop.  The first team to score in three of these battles wins food and a trip to see local performers.  Joe, Spencer, Abi-Maria, Tasha, and Ciera win reward.

Ciera wants Stephen gone: to save herself and because he has a hidden advantage.  Others back at camp want Joe gone.  Meanwhile a relentless rain makes life miserable around the clock.  Stephen is the most miserable due to some internal issues he’s having that make him need to leave the shelter repeatedly.

At the immunity challenge, Jeff is made aware of how miserable things are for the tribe.  He gives them each a white rock and a black rock, then explains the challenge.  They must hold a round ball up above their head against a piece of wood using something that looks like a rolling pin.  This is done while balancing on one foot.  Last person with their ball still up there wins.  Here’s the catch:  you can sit out of the challenge and vote for having the crew build/improve their shelter so the elements aren’t so harsh going forward (white rock) or play on (black rock).  If at least 5 people sit out, the improvements will be made.  When they reveal, only Joe and Keith decide to fight for immunity.  Joe knows he’s a target.  Keith just wants to play.  So the two of them battle it out and Joe emerges victorious again.

Ciera is targeted as the most dangerous, but Ciera, Kelley, and Abi try to convince the others that Stephen should be the target because of his advantage.  Some people are swayed by this plan and Stephen gets several votes.  But Jeremy had been told about the plan and decides to play one of his hidden immunity idols to save Stephen.  All 5 votes for Stephen are negated and Ciera is effectively voted out 3-2.

Was the right person voted out (Ep10)?
I don’t think so, but it was close.  Assuming a position from within the majority alliance, Ciera and Kelley are the biggest problems going forward.  But Kelley has made a bigger move and so I see her as a bigger threat.  That being said, Ciera has been much more vocal trying to get people to turn on their alliance, so it wasn’t a bad move at all.

Episode 11 recap (also 11/25/2015)
Jeremy is congratulated on a good move.  He tells Spencer that he would have saved Spencer if it was necessary.

For the reward challenge, they listen to stories and history about Cambodia before running out to 5 different stations in the dark (carrying torches to light their way) and answering multiple choice questions.  They grab a wrapped-up medallion and bring it back to their base station.  If the answer is correct, their medallion is metal and they can hang it up, otherwise they have to go back out and answer that question again.  During the challenge, Kelley unwraps one of her medallions and finds a paper wrapped up with it.  She pockets this paper to save for later.  The challenge comes down to Stephen and Spencer.  Stephen edges out a victory.  He wins a helicopter ride to a resort with food.  He gets to choose two people, then a third, to go with him.  He chooses Tasha to try to rekindle an alliance and Jeremy to thank him for saving him in the last vote.

Stephen decides to tell Tasha and Jeremy exactly what his advantage is, in hopes of relieving some of the target it has placed on him.  Most of the others at camp decide to vote against the Kimmi and the three on reward since it seems like they’re the top people based on Stephen’s choices.  Kelley reads the paper from the challenge and it says there is an idol under the newly rebuilt shelter.  She waits impatiently as people leave camp for various purposes.  Abi stays longer than normal, but eventually leaves too.  Kelley then scurries under and gets the idol, although it is harder to untie than she predicted and she is almost caught when people start returning.

For immunity, they have to build a 3-tier tower in a circular shape using only their feet, then place a flag in the middle of it, also with their feet.  This challenge is hard to predict a winner because things can crash down at any time.  Ultimately, Spencer is able to finish before Joe and it’s now possible for people to vote for Joe.

Stephen wants to vote Joe out, like always, but wants to guard against a potential hidden immunity idol.  He tells Spencer about the advantage and that they can split the votes 3-3 between Abi and Joe.  He’ll do this by stealing Joe’s vote and using it against him.  Spencer says he’s on board, but ends up voting with Abi, Keith, and Kelley against Stephen instead.  Stephen is voted out 4-3-2.

Was the right person voted out (Ep11)?
He sure was.  He was so fixated on voting out Joe that he was willing to trust others more than he should.  He needed that big move so badly, but Spencer saw that it would be a big move and rightly voted him out instead.  Sure, voting out Joe was the better choice on paper, but it isn’t a big move.  He can’t likely keep winning immunity every time so they can get him next time.  Certainly for Spencer, it keeps Joe around as a bigger target and makes Spencer important as someone who is needed to beat Joe at immunity.

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep09

Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 09 Start
Final Ta Keo Final Bayon Color for Ankgor
Abi Maria    Jeremy
Spencer      Stephen
Kelly        Kimmi
Ciera        Joe


Name colors indicate original tribe and 2nd tribe.  Column indicates 3rd tribe.  For example, Spencer starts with Ta Keo color, then finishes with Bayon color, and is in the Ta Keo column, indicating he was on those tribes in that order.  If name is all one color, that was their original and 2nd tribe.
Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.  Don’t complain to me if you’re confused by this unless you know of a better way to show it concisely - there were lots of tribe switches through this part of the season.
Jeremy has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the new Bayon camp.
(Last Names that are often used: Kelly Wiglesworth, Kelley Wentworth, Stephen Fishbach)

Episode 09 recap (11/18/2015)
People start searching for a new hidden immunity idol, figuring that a new one is in the game after the successful use last night.

The reward challenge splits the group into two teams of five.  Abi-Maria is not chosen so cannot win reward.  They must assemble a staircase made from poles of different heights that go into holes of different depths.  Once the staircase is finished, the team climbs up, goes through a small 3D maze, then down a bumpy slide.  One person then moves a key along a rope, releases it, uses it to get puzzle pieces, then two people solve a puzzle that provides a combination to unlock a flag.  Spencer, Ciera, Stephen, Tasha, and Joe are able to complete most of the challenge before the other 5 can finish the ladder and they win the challenge with that huge lead.  The winners get a day at the spa.

Back at camp, Jeremy continues looking for a hidden idol and finds a clue to one.  It tells him he has to leave camp this evening after dark while everyone is there and follow a map to a lantern in the woods.  The others return and instead of going to sleep like they usually do, they stay awake near the fire.  Jeremy claims he has stomach issues and heads into the woods, finds the lantern and the idol.

For immunity, they must stand on an inverted wooden V in the water.  Every 10 minutes they move up the V onto narrower wooden pieces until they get to the top.  Ultimately they might have to go to 1 leg to decide a winner.  This was done once before, but the 1-leg part was made up by the final 2 after 3 hours and wasn’t an official rule.  A temptation is given to the contestants to eliminate themselves for a chance at an advantage.  First person to jump off and touch a newly released buoy would get the advantage.  Spencer and Stephen both jump.  Stephen barely edges out Spencer and wins the advantage.  Abi and Joe are the last 2, standing on one foot.  Joe outlasts Abi and wins immunity.

Stephen’s advantage, read in private, is that he can steal a vote from one other person before votes are cast at any tribal council with 5 or more people.  This is similar to the advantage Dan had in Worlds Apart, but his was only an extra vote, not stealing a vote, so this one is more powerful.

The plan is to split votes between Kelley and Ciera.  Stephen tries to convince Jeremy and Spencer to join the minor alliance in voting Kelly, but this would involve lying to the rest of the main alliance.  They end up deciding to do this and Kelly is voted out 6-3-2.

Was the right person voted out?
Tough call.  Kelly, if allowed to make it to the end, would have a great story to tell since she was 2nd place in the 1st season.  She is likeable, and isn’t too bad at challenges.  So it wasn’t a bad vote, but there are so many good players around that I can’t say it was THE right move.  As a fan, it’s sad to see another player from the first 15 seasons get kicked out.

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep08

Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 08 Start
Final Ta Keo Final Bayon Color for Ankgor
Abi Maria    Jeremy
Spencer      Stephen
Kelly        Kimmi
Ciera        Joe

Andrew       Keith

Name colors indicate original tribe and 2nd tribe.  Column indicates 3rd tribe.  For example, Spencer starts with Ta Keo color, then finishes with Bayon color, and is in the Ta Keo column, indicating he was on those tribes in that order.  If name is all one color, that was their original and 2nd tribe.
Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.  Don’t complain to me if you’re confused by this unless you know of a better way to show it concisely - there were lots of tribe switches through this part of the season.
Kelley has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the original Ta Keo camp.
Jeremy has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the new Bayon camp.
(Last Names that are often used: Kelly Wiglesworth, Kelley Wentworth, Andrew Savage, Stephen Fishbach)

Episode 08 recap (11/11/2015)
The reward challenge has random teams picked.  Paddle out, retrieve 4 puzzle cubes, bring them to the beach and arrange them vertically so that no color repeats itself on any one side.
Joe, Keith, Ciera, Kelley, Kimmi, and Kelly go on reward, which is primarily food.
Spencer, Jeremy, Stephen, Andrew, Abi, and Tasha are left behind.

Stephen wants to get rid of Joe and tries to get everyone on board.  Jeremy might have to go along with it this time.  But Andrew hears the plans.  When Joe gets back and talks to Andrew, he gets clued in to what is going on.  Andrew wants to get rid of Stephen.  Most of the main alliance considers this idea, but Spencer notes that they know what Stephen wants to do and he can’t do it without them, so he’s not actually dangerous and they should vote out Kelley or Ciera instead.  The minor alliance of girls was excited that Stephen was on the chopping block, but Joe tells the girls that the plan may have changed.

For the immunity challenge, balance a ball on a large round disk suspended over mud and attached to 2 ropes.  Periodically move further back on the ropes.  Eventually add a 2nd ball.  Joe wins individual immunity.  It is noteworthy that Keith came in 2nd.

Kelley Wentworth decides that she doesn’t want to go home tonight and suspects she is the target, so plays her very well hidden immunity idol to everyone’s surprise.  9 votes for Kelley don’t count.  Kelley, Ciera, and Abi all vote for Savage and he is effectively voted out 3-0.

Was the right person voted out?
Yes and No.  Savage is a predictable player who is too loyal to flip on people.  So if you’re the bottom 3 girls (or a fan of huge, well-timed moves), he’s a decent choice to send home.  They would have targeted one of the presumed top 4 people running the show, so the other options were Jeremy, Tasha, and either Stephen or Joe.  Joe was immune and Stephen has already been a target so might be again.  Tasha was the other potential choice, but she’s willing to work with people if the need arises.  Now, if you’re part of the main alliance, there were two much better possible outcomes.  You could have blindsided Stephen, like you all agree is a fine idea, and you would still have the numbers and would be able to vote out the girls later.  An even better idea would have been to split the votes between Kelley and Ciera.  Split votes had almost become a certainty in this game until this week.  I was shocked they didn’t do it.  The only chance for failure would have been for Kelley to play an idol and at least 1 of the main alliance to flip and work with the 3 women at the bottom.  The flip seems unlikely since they certainly showed a united front.

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep07

Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 07 Start
Ta Keo       Bayon
Abi Maria    Jeremy
Spencer      Stephen
Kelly        Kimmi
Kass         Joe
Ciera        Keith

Andrew       Tasha

Name colors indicate original tribe and 2nd tribe.  For example, Spencer starts with Ta Keo color, then finishes with Bayon color, indicating he was on those tribes in that order.  If name is all one color, that was their original and 2nd tribe.
Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.  Don’t complain to me if you’re confused by this unless you know of a better way to show it concisely - there were lots of tribe switches through this part of the season.
Kelley has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the original Ta Keo camp.
Jeremy has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the new Bayon camp.
(Last Names that are often used: Kelly Wiglesworth, Kelley Wentworth, Andrew Savage, Stephen Fishbach)

Episode 07 recap (11/4/2015)
As foretold in last week’s preview, the tribal merge happens.  The new tribe color is orange and the new tribe name is Orkun.

Joe wins immunity (balancing a ball on a round disk atop a short pole while standing on a narrow downward sloping beam).  Kass and Ciera both try to cause trouble.  Kass doesn’t like Tasha because Tasha won’t trust her.  Ciera just feels like throwing Savage under the bus and claiming he isn’t loyal to Bayon.  Both Kass and Ciera end up in the hot seat.

Kass, Ciera, Abi, and Kelley try to pull in Spencer to vote out someone else.  In the end, the majority split the vote between Kass and Ciera.  Spencer and Kelley vote with the majority.  Ciera votes for Savage.  Abi and Kass vote for Tasha.  Kass is voted out 6-4-2-1.

Was the right person voted out?
Absolutely.  As I said for last episode, Kass is way too unpredictable so she is a constant liability to keep around in this game.

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep06

Episode 06 Prologue:
This episode starts with Terry Deitz getting news in the middle of the night, in person from Jeff Probst, that his son is in the hospital.  Terry’s wife and the doctor both think he should go back home immediately.  Terry is effectively pulled from the game.

The episode continues with all 3 tribes arriving together for another tribe switch.  This time the Angkor tribe is removed from the game and we’re back to just Ta Keo and Bayon.

Tribal Reference Guide just after Episode 06 Start
(after the tribe switch that has just happened)
Ta Keo       Bayon
Abi Maria    Jeremy
Woo          Stephen
Spencer      Kimmi
Kelly        Joe
Kass         Keith
Ciera        Tasha
Andrew       Kelley

Name colors indicate original tribe and 2nd tribe.  For example, Woo starts with Ta Keo color, then finishes with Ankgor color, indicating he was on those tribes in that order.  If name is all one color, that was their original and 2nd tribe.
Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.  Don’t complain to me if you’re confused by this unless you know of a better way to show it concisely - there were lots of tribe switches through this part of the season.
Kelley has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the original Ta Keo camp.
Jeremy has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the new Bayon camp.
(Last Names that are often used: Kelly Wiglesworth, Kelley Wentworth, Andrew Savage, Stephen Fishbach)

Episode 06 recap (10/28/2015)
Stephen wants to get rid of Joe, but Jeremy wants to keep Joe as a shield.  Stephen is very emotional about doing better than last time so wants to make a big move to vote out JT-like people.  But his team wins immunity in a unusual-food eating challenge (no thanks to Kimmi).

Spencer is in trouble as Andrew wants to vote him out, but Andrew puts Ciera on the spot as the “fake” vote being told to Spencer.  Ciera doesn’t like this.  Kass wants Spencer gone, but is gravitating towards an opportunity to cause chaos and considering voting out Woo with the rest of the girls and Spencer.  Ultimately, old-school gets blind-sided again and Woo goes home in a 4-3 vote.  Kelly/Andrew are now in a tough spot.  The preview for next week has us expecting a merge.

Was the right person voted out?
Probably not.  Woo can still help win challenges which lowers your immediate risk of getting voted out next time.  Once a merge happens, Woo is a bigger immunity threat and therefore a bigger target that keeps the target off of you.  Sadly in this case the likely alternative was also the wrong person.  In my opinion the best person to have voted out this time was Kass because she is chaotic.  If you can’t predict what someone is going to do, you need to remove them.