Sunday, November 15, 2015

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep03

Tribal Reference Guide just after Episode 03 Start
(after the tribe switch that kicked off this episode)
Ta Keo       Bayon        Angkor
Terry        Kimmi        Jeff
Kelley       Stephen      Abi-Maria
Joe          Monica       Woo
Ciera        Jeremy       Peih-Gee
Kass         Kelly        Tasha
Keith        Spencer      Andrew

Name colors indicate original tribe.  Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.
Kelley has a hidden immunity idol.
(Last Names that are often used: Kelly Wiglesworth, Jeff Varner, Terry
Deitz, Kelley Wentworth, Andrew Savage, Stephen Fishbach)

Episode 03 Recap (10/7/15)
We start things off with a tribe mix-up.  It's the first time in history that the number of tribes has increased during a season.  Ta Keo and Bayon each have 2 old Ta Keo and 4 old Bayon. Angkor has 4 old Ta Keo and 2 old Bayon.  Jeremy finds a clue to the hidden immunity idol that tells him where it will be located at the next immunity challenge. He then finds the idol during that immunity challenge and without anyone noticing.

Ta Keo and Bayon win immunity and Angkor loses.  Jeff tries to signal something to one of the other teams, but Tasha catches him and starts referring to him as a rat.  Peih-Gee and Abi still don’t get along.  Tasha and Andrew, despite being outnumbered, capitalize on the cracks in the former Ta Keo and side with Abi and Jeff to vote out Peih-Gee 4-2.  Woo and Peih-Gee were the 2 votes for Abi.

Was the right person voted out?
This is a tough one, but yes - if you’re Tasha & Andrew.  Peih-Gee and Abi-Maria can’t stand each other.  If you vote out Peih-Gee you risk the other 3 former tribe mates banding together.  By keeping Abi you gain an ally, albeit an unstable one, and you maintain a wedge between the others.

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