Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep05

Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 05 Start
Ta Keo       Bayon        Angkor
Terry        Kimmi       
Kelley       Stephen      Woo
Joe          Monica       Tasha
Ciera        Jeremy       Andrew
Kass         Kelly
Keith        Spencer

Name colors indicate original tribe.  Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.
Kelley has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the original Ta Keo camp.
Jeremy has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the new Bayon camp.
(Last Names that are often used: Kelly Wiglesworth, Terry Deitz, Kelley Wentworth, Andrew Savage, Stephen Fishbach)

Episode 05 recap (10/21/2015)
In the reward challenge, the tribes roll a barrel with a tribe-mate inside.  The one inside the barrel gets out at 3 stations and collects bags of balls.  At the finish, one person rolls the balls into a skee-ball like setup, trying to get 6 balls into different goal divots.  Angkor doesn’t come in last so manages to win some comfort including a tarp.

At the immunity challenge the tribes must race up a structure one at a time and launch sandbags at 5 targets using a large slingshot.  Each person has to go up at least once and fire once, but can swap out after that.  A team must swap players after a successful hit on a target.  Angkor doesn’t lose again, thanks to Stephen (Bayon) accidentally hitting one of Ankgor’s targets.  New Bayon goes to tribal.

Spencer or Kelly is in trouble.  Monica and Kimmi have been butting heads though and Monica suggested a potential future all-women alliance to Kimmi, who then tattles on her to the others.  Kimmi/Jeremy/Stephen ponder voting Monica out instead. Monica is BLINDSIDED 3-2-1.

Was the right person voted out?
I hate to say it, but yes.  Monica made a big mistake with how she pitched her ideas to Kimmi.  First, she and Kimmi aren’t agreeing in general, so that conversation was risky.  Second, she made a case for being a potential enemy - willing to turn against former allies.  The better way would have been to pitch the men in the game as potential villains who might form an all-male alliance that you might need to defend against.  Create common enemies.  Don’t turn yourself into one.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep04

Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 04 Start
Ta Keo       Bayon        Angkor
Terry        Kimmi        Jeff
Kelley       Stephen      Abi-Maria
Joe          Monica       Woo
Ciera        Jeremy      
Kass         Kelly        Andrew
Keith        Spencer

Name colors indicate original tribe.  Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.
Kelley has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the original Ta Keo camp.
Jeremy has a hidden immunity idol from a clue at the new Bayon camp.
(Last Names that are often used: Kelly Wiglesworth, Jeff Varner, Terry
Deitz, Kelley Wentworth, Andrew Savage, Stephen Fishbach)

Episode 04 Recap (10/14/15)
For reward, each team chose 1 person to compete.  Jeremy, Andrew, and Terry were chosen to run out into the water, retrieve 3 large bean bags in sequence, and use a see-saw to launch them into a net 15 feet above their heads.  Andrew was victorious for Angkor and they finally get some food to eat.

The immunity challenge was close.  A caller directs his blindfolded tribe-mates to retrieve large tetris-like blocks before the whole team then solves a 3D cube puzzle with all of the blocks.  Ultimately, Angkor was spent and couldn’t finish so had to go to tribal council again.

It sounds like it will be Jeff or Woo in a trust vs strength vote.  Somehow Abi is convinced to kick out Jeff and keep Woo despite all the times Woo has voted for Abi.  Woo is very thankful.  Jeff is voted out 4-1.

Was the right person voted out?
Again, if you are Tasha and Andrew then yes.  You keep Woo around so that Abi has someone she will dislike way more than you, instead of a situation where she and Jeff could stand together.  Additionally, Jeff was doing lots of scheming, so it was probably great in the long run to remove him from play.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep03

Tribal Reference Guide just after Episode 03 Start
(after the tribe switch that kicked off this episode)
Ta Keo       Bayon        Angkor
Terry        Kimmi        Jeff
Kelley       Stephen      Abi-Maria
Joe          Monica       Woo
Ciera        Jeremy       Peih-Gee
Kass         Kelly        Tasha
Keith        Spencer      Andrew

Name colors indicate original tribe.  Complain in the comments if you have color blindness and my color scheme isn't working for you.
Kelley has a hidden immunity idol.
(Last Names that are often used: Kelly Wiglesworth, Jeff Varner, Terry
Deitz, Kelley Wentworth, Andrew Savage, Stephen Fishbach)

Episode 03 Recap (10/7/15)
We start things off with a tribe mix-up.  It's the first time in history that the number of tribes has increased during a season.  Ta Keo and Bayon each have 2 old Ta Keo and 4 old Bayon. Angkor has 4 old Ta Keo and 2 old Bayon.  Jeremy finds a clue to the hidden immunity idol that tells him where it will be located at the next immunity challenge. He then finds the idol during that immunity challenge and without anyone noticing.

Ta Keo and Bayon win immunity and Angkor loses.  Jeff tries to signal something to one of the other teams, but Tasha catches him and starts referring to him as a rat.  Peih-Gee and Abi still don’t get along.  Tasha and Andrew, despite being outnumbered, capitalize on the cracks in the former Ta Keo and side with Abi and Jeff to vote out Peih-Gee 4-2.  Woo and Peih-Gee were the 2 votes for Abi.

Was the right person voted out?
This is a tough one, but yes - if you’re Tasha & Andrew.  Peih-Gee and Abi-Maria can’t stand each other.  If you vote out Peih-Gee you risk the other 3 former tribe mates banding together.  By keeping Abi you gain an ally, albeit an unstable one, and you maintain a wedge between the others.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep02

Tribal Reference Guide at Episode 02 Start
Ta Keo       Bayon
Kelly        Kimmi
Jeff         Andrew
Terry        Stephen
Peih-Gee     Monica
Abi-Maria    Ciera
Spencer      Kass
Woo          Tasha
Kelley       Jeremy
Shirin       Keith

Kelley has a hidden immunity idol.
(Last Names that are often used: Kelly Wiglesworth, Jeff Varner, Terry Deitz, Kelley Wentworth, Andrew Savage, Stephen Fishbach)

Episode 02 Recap (9/30/2015)
For Reward/Immunity, the teams raced up and down tall A-frames, carrying ropes, then used the ropes to pull a heavy box of puzzle pieces.  Then 2 players on each tribe solve a puzzle.  Bayon wins the immunity challenge too.

Abi and Peih-Gee have a big argument, mostly because the just don't get along.  Abi feels attacked, and is hurt that Shirin doesn't come to her rescue, especially given Shirin's experience on her season of Survivor when Mike came to her rescue when others were attacking her.  This time, Terry comes to Abi's rescue, elevating him from the bottom of the tribe.

Spencer and Shirin end up on bottom due to all of this.  The majority split their vote to avoid any surprise idols and Shirin is voted out 5-4.

Was the right person voted out?
If you’re everyone else on that tribe, yes.  Shirin isn’t a physical threat, but she has incredible knowledge about Survivor and could easily use that store of knowledge against everyone else along the way.  It was the right move assuming they realize that Abi will continue to drive wedges between people and could derail their game at a moment's notice.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Keys to Survivor Cambodia Ep01

Welcome to my blog for Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chances
This season I am tribe reference guides, my opinion about the decision of which person to be voted out, and sometimes brief recaps.

Tribal Reference Guide at Episode Start
Ta Keo
Kelly - Borneo (1)
Jeff - The Australian Outback (2)
Terry - Panama (12)
Peih-Gee - China (15)
Abi-Maria - Philippines (25)
Vytas - Blood vs. Water (27)
Spencer - Cagayan (28)
Woo - Cagayan (28)
Kelley - San Juan del Sur (29)
Shirin - Worlds Apart (30)

Kimmi - The Australian Outback (2)
Andrew - Pearl Islands (7)
Stephen - Tocantins (18)
Monica - Samoa (19)
Ciera - Blood vs. Water (27)
Kass - Cagayan (28)
Tasha - Cagayan (28)
Jeremy - San Juan del Sur (29)
Keith - San Juan del Sur (29)
Joe - Worlds Apart (30)

Seasons with added descriptions
Panama = Exile Island
Cagayan = Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty
San Juan del Sur = Blood vs. Water (all new players)
Worlds Apart = White Collar vs. Blue Collar vs. No Collar

Episode 01 recap (9/23/2015)
The first challenge ends when a member of one team gets to the bag of rice.  Kelly swims ahead to launch her team to victory.  Kelley (the other one, note the different spelling) finds a clue to the hidden immunity idol, then finds the idol at the immunity challenge.  Joe effectively wins immunity for Bayon with his excellent stick and twine skills to retrieve a key.  Jeff Varner flips on the old-school alliance to vote with the new-school.  Vytas is voted out 6-4.

Was the right person voted out?
Returning players don't tend to remove weak players first.  Vytas is a social threat so I can't say it was a bad move.  However, voting out Abi would have resulted in a stronger tribe with more unity.  First vote out often seems arbitrary though.