Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Keys to Survivor Worlds Apart Ep10

Hey there Survivor fans.  Life was super busy for me this past week.  My day job kind of took priority and I didn't have time to put up a full post.  Here's a quick abbreviated post to get you primed for tonight's episode.

Survivor Auction (in lieu of reward):
Will bought the first covered item and it was a ticket back to camp and out of the rest of the auction.
Mike almost swerved his teammates by not buying a letter from home just so he could outbid everyone for an advantage, but they caught him and he backed off and bought his letter too.
Mike, Dan, and Carolyn bid 480 for the advantage.  Dan won it.  He later read it and it is an extra vote that he can use whenever he wants, but he must declare it after Jeff says "I'll go tally the votes" and before he actually does that.

Mike feels like he's in trouble.  He is.  Everyone thinks he's less trustworthy.  See the auction section, and my future slightly longer post.  Mike wins immunity when he probably has needed it most.  Balance beams, transporting balls using metal tongs.  Yadda, yadda, yadda.

There had been talk of Mike, Jenn, and Shirin trying to work together.  Mike had tried talking to Dan to pull him over with him since Mike is convinced that Rodney, Tyler, Carolyn, and Will are together.
For such a dramatic episode, the vote ends up 5-3-1 with Jenn going home.

Thanks for reading.  I may expand on this later.  Either way, the write-up for next week (tonight's episode) will be better.

Oh, and for a quick top/bottom...
Carolyn is still my top pick.
My new bottom pick is (this is a tough one) Dan.  I bet at least one idol will be in play tonight.  So it could be anyone, who knows.

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