Survivor: Worlds Apart Episode 04+05 quick recap:
We were treated to 2 hours of Survivor on 3/18. As an extra treat, we now get reward challenges again. Here's the basics of what happened. Lots to talk about, but I'll try to keep it short.
Reward Challenge #1:
One caller gives directions to a pair of blindfolded teammates to get them to retrieve objects, then the team and a 3rd blindfolded person raise the object to the top of a platform. This challenge was last used for the Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty season. Somehow this season the players decided to drop the platform from the top, causing it to swing wildly and risk injury. This risk became reality when Kelly on the Blue Collar tribe gets nailed in the forehead and bleeds through her blindfold and buff. Medical checks her out, wraps her in bandages and she continues in the challenge.
No Collar finishes first and wins 3 hens and a rooster.
White Collar finishes second and wind 10 eggs.
Immunized Chicken:
At the No Collar camp, we find out it is Will's birthday. Joe decides they will celebrate by eating a hen. Jenn is vegetarian and doesn't even want to watch this happen. She abandons camp and decides she might as well use this time to poke around for the hidden immunity idol. This ends up being a great decision, because she finds it.
Immunity Challenge #1:
Great new challenge. Ends with single tribe members using ropes attached to a game piece that can raise a ball on a steep incline with holes. It's like a vertical version of Labyrinth. No Collar finishes this one first. White Collar edges out Blue Collar.
Tribal Council #1:
For Blue Collar, it's between Lindsey and Rodney. Lindsey & Sierra want Rodney gone. Rodney wants Lindsey gone. The others have to decide which way to swing and how it will impact the rest of the game. The vote is a 2-2-2 tie (Lindsey, Rodney, Sierra). The revote sends Lindsey home 3-0.
Reward Challenge #2:
Drop Your Buffs!
Here are 2 new tribes, with the names shown in their former tribe colors.
New Blue (Escameca) tribe: Sierra, Dan, Mike, Rodney, Joaquin, Tyler, Joe
New Red (Nagarote) tribe: Carolyn, Max, Shirin, Will, Hali, Jenn, Kelly
Big slingshot to launch balls that people must catch with lacrosse sticks. The physically superior Escameca tribe wins 5-2 to get some food and all of the previous rewards won by the White Collar tribe (since their camp will no longer be used).
Immunity Challenge #2:
Teams of 2 push a sled through obstacles and mud and place giant pots on stands. Once all the pots have been placed, one person uses a makeshift wrecking ball to destroy the pots.
Escameca uses their superior brawn to finish the first part of this challenge way ahead. Dan, who looks more like a wrecking ball than anyone else on his tribe, does the wrecking and completes the challenge before Nagarote can start the last part.
Tribal Council #2:
Max and Shirin are happy to be here and looking forward to a blindside. They get their wish, as Max is voted out 5-2. (They thought Will was going home.)
In the Best/Worst moves section, note that 3 of them refer to the same subject but just opposite sides.
Best Moves:Best
#1: No Collar eats a chicken.
#2: Jenn capitalizes on her vegetarianism and finds the hidden immunity idol.
Best #3: Mike tells Dan to apologize to Sierra for the previous vote and what was said at camp afterwards. He's trying to keep control since they should have the numbers.
Best #4: Nagarote blindsiding Max & Shirin to get rid of an annoying know-it-all.
Worst Moves:
#1: No Collar eats the wrong chicken. Note to future survivors: eat the rooster first.
Worst #2: Everyone who was holding ropes in the first challenge. Don't drop things on your heads - that could have been a game ending move for someone.
Worst #3: Dan doesn't apologize to Sierra. Instead he blames her for doing the same thing that he should be apologizing for. Way to deepen the rift.
Worst #4: Nagarote voting out Max instead of Shirin. That is, unless they don't want to win any more challenges.
Top 4 Prospects:
Last week I listed Carolyn, Hali, Tyler, and Joe. No revisions to the people, only the reasons.
Carolyn - Nagarote. Finally got her chance to get rid of Max. She's still in the majority of her new tribe and still has a hidden immunity idol.
Hali - Nagarote. Part of the majority alliance. Likely to make it to the merge, then could skate through for awhile.
Tyler - Escameca. Got lucky in the tribe mix-up thanks to an alienated Sierra willing to join him, Joe, and Joaquin.4)
Joe - Escameca. Got even luckier in the tribe mix-up. He was the only No Collar but manages to wind up in the majority alliance.
2nd week without an original Blue Collar in the top 4.
Bottom 4 Prospects:
Last week I listed Mike, Will, Shirin, and Rodney. Lindsey and Max were voted out - first time I haven't had the exiting player(s) in my bottom. Here's my new bottom.
13) Shirin - Nagarote. Her only real ally was blindsided and she's almost certainly next.
12) Kelly - Nagarote. Her first appearance in my bottom 4. She's not bad, but her tribe may be losing more challenges and she'll be gone before Carolyn due to an immunity idol.
11) Rodney - Escameca. Sierra is the swing vote, and she doesn't like him.
10) Dan - Escameca. Sierra is the swing vote, and she doesn't like him either.
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