Last week Jefra felt betrayed by her alliance group.
While on reward she toyed with joining the other troop.
Tony found the special idol. This time Spencer used his.
Jeremiah’s out. Jefra did not switch alliances.
Kass knew Spencer had the idol by how he was acting.
Too calm and not mean to her. He wouldn’t be sent packing.
“Most selfish beast on the planet” - 21-year-old male.
Kass and Tony rub it in his face of how he failed.
Tony and Woo bring back tree-mail. Woo claims his back hurts.
Asks if Trish could take a look underneath his shirt.
When she looks, she finds 7 envelopes of money.
The Survivor Auction! They can get something to eat!
“You’ve seen it all before
and now you’re actually in it.
If there’s something you’ve been craving
you better bid quick to win it.” - Tree-mail
Tasha and Spencer against goliath army of five.
Need to bid aggressively in order to survive.
Tony knows there’s often an advantage there for someone.
He’ll bid 500 dollars for that before everyone.
Get 500 dollars, bid in increments of 20.
Auction ends without warning. You can’t share food or money.
So if you see something you like, you had better bid dough.
Because the only way you’ll get something is pro quid pro.
Item 1 is revealed as soft drink, popcorn and candy.
Kass and Jefra lose to Trish, with $80 handy.
Item 2 stays covered. Bids from Jefra, Tasha, Jefra.
$100 guacamole, salsa, quesadilla. (and bonus margarita)
Item 3 stays covered. 20 from Kass - only bidding.
Trish tells Tony he should get in on it since he’s starving.
Before it is uncovered, Kass gets the option to switch.
She keeps it and wins some iced tea with a big steak sandwich.
Both Spencer and Tony are emitting looks of envy.
They’d love to devour this food and that delicious tea.
Tony isn’t sure he can hold out on the temptation.
With such delicious prizes causing others elation.
Item 4 is the item for which Kass didn’t trade.
Trish wins in for 60 bucks but will she have been played?
Rice and water. Disappointing, but she still has money.
She mocks the “cheapo depots”. Let’s eat! Don’t be a dummy.
Item 5 is massive ribs along with a cold beer.
Woo wins it for 40. The best bargain ever here.
Spencer notes few people bidding. It’s a buyers market.
He’s seeing such great food and deals. He can hardly watch it.
Jeff asks Tony, Spencer, Tasha what is in their minds.
They’re starving but just sit there while everyone else dines.
All 3 want an advantage to help them in this game.
Jeff says “Let’s get to it.” since that is why these 3 came.
Item 6, per their request, advantage in this game.
Tony bids 500. Jeff warns this won’t work the same.
If bidding hits 500, anyone else can get in.
You’ll draw rocks for the advantage - fairer way to win.
Spencer and Tony go for it. Tasha says she’s out.
One bag, two rocks: one black, one white. Black rock holds the clout.
Jeff confirms that neither were going to bid on food.
Spencer wishes “Best of luck, sir.” Nice that he’s not rude.
They both draw rocks, then reveal. Tony’s rock is black.
As a souvenir, Spencer can bring his white rock back.
Tasha hoped for 1 more thing, but that’s it for the auction.
There’s no hidden idol clue. She leaves today with nothing.
Best 500 Tony’s spent, but it’s catch 22.
Starving and no energy, very much unlike Woo.
Spencer had the biggest loss in auction history,
as Tony hints at, afterwards, and Spencer must agree.
Kass was going to hold out but saw nobody bidding.
She has no guilt for Tony, the martyr. She’s not kidding.
She ate a delicious meal and saw Spencer dejected.
It’s a look she’s used to, one that’s so often expected.
Tasha, Jefra, Kass and Trish lay down to take a nap.
Tony sacrificed and that act makes him want to snap.
Asks them for help with water or fire. They don’t care.
Annoyed, he leaves to read his inedible auction fare.
“At the end of your beach, before the rocks meet the sand
is where another idol can be found
hidden behind the bushes, guarded by a big white tree
it’s just a few inches under the ground.” - Auction advantage item
The four girls wade into the water to bathe and talk.
Tasha hopes Tony will think it's a girl voting block.
Tony returns and sees the 4 women in the water.
If Tasha's plan works, other 3 could be cannon fodder.
Spencer plays along. Tells Tony she's a social player.
Asks him if he's worried that the women won't play fair.
Tony doesn't think so. But Spencer said they weren't lying
when they said Jefra was with them. He hopes Tony's buying.
Spencer says that Jefra's group was trying to decide
what their best option was, and that included a blindside.
He continued, saying Jefra will make a big move.
Thanks to paranoia, none of this he has to prove.
Tasha says Tony's a loose cannon, just light a fire.
He will spark. Just make him think his situation's dire.
Spencer reports that Jefra said that they could sway Trish,
then flip back the next day. Now will Spencer get his wish?
If he makes Tony paranoid, that's gold. Tony's crazy.
He's planting festering seeds. Tony's forecast is hazy.
Tony's not sure to trust Spencer, but he'll look into it.
It makes sense, the guys are threats. This glove - it kind of fits.
The next day the girls are in the water once again.
Kass feels good about their 5. Kicking back, relaxing.
Today's non-adversarial. Tasha or Spencer is gone.
Whoever loses immunity - the short stick will be drawn.
A previously captured crab died in captivity.
Tony and Woo ask the girls if it's still safe to eat.
They must cook it soon, but right now they are without fire.
Girls bark orders from the beach. It's causing Tony ire.
Tony goes out searching for the idol once again.
He finds a big white tree that he hopes will be his friend.
Digs and finds the idol. It's the 3rd one that he's found.
Thanks to the other one, this one's not secrecy bound.
Tony shows it to Kass, Woo, and Jefra - like he's sharing.
It's just a show of power. Vote for him? They won't be daring.
He's never spent 500 dollars and been so darn happy.
Fans of Survivor who don't like him must find this crappy.
For immunity, race to dig up bags buried in sand.
Find 5 of them connected by a rope. Dig with just hands.
Untie the bags and get 5 balls to solve a table maze.
If you win you're guaranteed to be here 3 more days.
Woo starts in the lead, followed by Tony, Tasha, Spencer.
Tony gets 5 bags first, like he has a ball detector.
Jefra, Kass and Trish have fallen hopelessly behind.
And hopefully if they read this they won't really mind.
Tasha has the balls free first and puts them on the table.
This maze appears simple. The key is to keep it stable.
Zig-zag pattern. If ball falls off - back to the beginning.
Get them into 5 goal holes if you want to be winning.
Tasha scores her 1st 2 balls. Woo, Tony, and Spencer start.
Tony tries brute force. It takes finesse. Work slow, don't dart.
Tasha's 3rd ball falls off. Woo begins to make up ground.
Briefly tied at 3 til Tasha's 4th ball's safe and sound.
Spencer and Tony have 1. Now Jefra starts it too.
Tied at 4, this challenge has come down to Tasha/Woo.
The battle for the 5th ball - Tasha's skills land it just right.
An immunity three-peat! She's not going home tonight.
Every day, alliances are broke and reconsidered.
Tasha keeps talking to the girls, making Tony bittered.
Tells them Tony's promising everyone final three.
Hopes Tony might freak out that the girls could vote Tony.
Kass and Woo aren't too concerned, they'll vote Spencer tonight.
Trish, Tony, Jefra join in too. That vote idea sounds right.
Paranoia has set in. Tony's worst scenario.
Can't vote out Tasha. One-by-one the guys might have to go.
He needs to turn on someone. Jefra seems like the best bet.
She was willing to turn before. He cannot help but fret.
Tony talks to Woo. Woo thinks that they're on the same page.
The way it's edited does not make Woo seem like a sage.
They can't tell Trish or Kass, but they have to look ahead.
So Tony talks to Spencer - might vote out Jefra instead.
Spencer must tell Tasha. Tony wants to keep some distance.
He doesn't want to be to focus of any resistance.
To Tasha: "Ready for Survivor miracle part two?"
Tasha perks right up, hoping that Spencer has good news.
He tells her it's Jefra, Woo and Tony don't trust the girls.
From hopeless to a golden ticket. Look how this game swirls.
Spencer informs Tony that Tasha's down with that plan.
But he doesn't trust Tony will vote for Jefra Bland.
Spencer goes out looking for the idol with more power.
Tony catches on, wonders if the new plan is sour.
At tribal Tony announces Spencer's information.
That Jefra wants to blindside him. It's not imagination.
Tony pulls out his new idol. Hangs it on his neck.
"I'm not going home" tonight. Will this be a train wreck?
Jefra admits voting LJ out made her upset.
Kass does damage control. Says Jefra got over it.
Tony brashly states you don't advertise a blindside.
All his group has left is moving forward for top 5.
Spencer agrees chaos is great and can only help him.
Jefra argues it's just a strategy for the bottom.
Windows of opportunity - they open and close.
Pick off Spencer, wind up 5th? Paranoia grows.
Spencer says the most common reason that people lose
is that they got too comfortable to make a move.
Says he hopes it won't happen to someone in this game.
In a future season I'll be expecting his name.
Kass votes Spencer. Saved you once, not doing it again.
Spencer votes for Jefra. Says she should have played the game.
No one plays an idol. Votes are read in this order.
Spencer, Jefra, Spencer, Jefra (she smiles), Spencer.
The next vote is Jefra? Trish looks over and Kass frowns.
Jefra looks confused. With the last vote she's taken down.
The 5th jury member. 11th person voted out.
Jury's shocked. Kass shakes her head. Individual game? No doubt!
Next week: Tony's arguing. "Don't tell me what I said."
Kass might write his name down? He says she'd go home instead.
Even Tony's closest ally might betray his trust.
Woo might make a big move. Next week sounds like quite the fuss.
Lastly we see Jefra's 30 second interview.
She thinks Woo and Tony flipped. Says they had her fooled.
Wishes that she would have jumped ship when she had the chance.
My last line? Unrelated mention of Russell Hantz.
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