Survivor starts off with a recap each hour
of what happened last time for you to devour.
Since I'm new at this, glad you didn't petition.
I left out team names / colors. Glaring omissions!
The Beauty tribe's purple, their name is Solana.
Alexis, Morgan, LJ, Brice, Jefra, Jeremiah
The Brawn tribe, Aparri, their buffs are orange-ish.
Sarah, Cliff, Tony, Lindsey, Woo, and Trish
Luzon is the Brains tribe and green is their color.
David, Garrett, Tasha, J'Tia, Kass, Spencer
On last week's premier it was Luzon who faltered,
losing David, then Garrett, their member list altered.
We see Luzon post tribal, J'Tia was saved
Kept the crazy rice dumper? Was that stupid or brave?
She'd been the clear target, but Garrett had failed
by being too candid with alliance details.
Then in came the rainstorm we saw in the previews.
Hands and feet wrinkled on cast and probably crew.
The rain and wind wouldn't stop, made some castoffs doubt.
Only Woo seemed to not care: It's what Survivor's about.
Tony decides to initiate Cops-R-Us.
Confesses to Sarah he's a cop she could trust.
She's glad to work with him, thinks they could go far.
And brags to the camera that she has cop-dar. (Editor's note for clarification: cop-dar is like radar or "gay-dar". Sarah's term, I'm just reusing.)
Although blue-blood runs thick, he'll lie to cause a stir
He tells her Cliff and Lindsey have targeted her.
Although Lindsey likes Sarah, Cliff sees her as too smart;
A complete fabrication for this Cops-R-Us start.
On Beauty tribe stereotypes start to surface.
Men gather wood/palm fronds, girls do nothing on purpose.
For Jefra this rain is depressing and yucky.
Too much for this teen beauty queen from Kentucky.
Since day 1 when Morgan emerged from the ocean,
LJ suspects idol searching caused that motion.
He uses the downpour as cover to seek.
No clues, finds immunity. Man what a week.
Next, notification of challenge in tree mail
It may involve passing of water between pails.
Tasha dictates that Luzon should practice for this bout
and that Spencer should want to since they might vote him out.
Sea water and coconut halves are repurposed,
practicing while editors play songs from the circus.
Could this preparation turn out to be useful?
Or will all that matters is just to be youthful?
At the challenge, once Brawn and Beauty had arrived,
surprise that the three Brain girls again 'survived'.
Since green's down 2 players, each tribe sits that many;
Alexis and Jefra and Tony and Lindsey.
Pass water and bucket from teammate to teammate
by throwing the whole thing each time about 10 feet.
Then after 2 passes, the 3rd throws just water.
Catch all that you can, fill pail on teeter-totter.
Aparri is first done with water collection.
Filled their final bucket. Start the next direction.
A ball in a circular vertical maze,
two ropes used to rotate this last challenge phase.
Beauty starts maze puzzle ahead of Luzon,
who despite all that practice, is last to move on.
Brawn Cliff and Brawn Woo solve the puzzle in first,
but could Luzon manage to not finish third?
Jeremiah and LJ hit stumbling blocks
leaving time for Luzon to experience luck.
Spencer and Kass make some key game-time progress
and manage to terminate their streak of losses.
Probst says to Luzon that he'll miss them at tribal.
Luzon agrees ... they probably won't cry though.
Brawn also wins blankets and pillows and tarp.
A tarp for Luzon and a winning streak start?
Tony looks through his team's challenge victors' haul,
finds a clue to the idol, he still has them all.
Sarah tries the new hammock and, you know what?
Lindsey gets her wish, Sarah falls on her butt.
At Solana, scrambling begins in earnest.
Brice and Morgan's feet seem to be in the furnace.
They lobby Jeremiah to vote for Alexis
but he won't agree unless they convince Jefra.
Jefra hesitates to turn on her ally,
then multiple talks of votes ending in a tie.
If voting is 3-3 it could go to rocks
Generally speaking everyone thinks that sucks.
With worry of idol from Morgan or Brice
The other four think 2-2-2 could work nice.
LJ has the idol, he isn't afraid,
not worth it to tell them, it could help him get paid.
Little do they know Jeremiah might flip,
voting Alexis out so he can run this ship.
In the end Jeremiah stayed true to the four,
fearing the alternative would have angered more.
The 1st vote 2-2-2, then second 3-zero.
Poor Morgan and Brice were left without a hero.
It was Brice who was ousted so Morgan could stay.
If lucky, next week she'll flirt her troubles away.
The preview for next week? Brawn tribe might get risky.
Throw a challenge to blindside your own? Often iffy.
Blindfolded bodies hitting objects hard,
a classic challenge, retrieve things from a yard.
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