Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)
13th Anna - Beauty (voted out Episode 5, Day 13)
12th Peter - Brains (voted out Episode 6, Day 16)
---Start forming the jury---
11th Neal - Brains (medical evacuation due to infection near knee, Day 19)
10th Nick - Beauty (voted out Episode 8, Day 22)
9th Debbie - Brains (voted out Episode 9, Day 24)
Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 10:
Dara (merged tribe - black buffs)
Aubry - former Brains
Cydney - former Brawn
Jason - former Brawn (gave his immunity idol to Tai)
Joe - former Brains
Julia - former Beauty
Michele - former Beauty
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty (has 2 hidden immunity idols)
Aftermath from previous vote:
Tai hands the extra immunity idol back to Jason.
Scot tells Aubry that camp can return to normal if they will be on board with voting out Cydney.
Reward Challenge:
Stand on a platform with one foot on one end of a balancing beam that has a large ceramic pot sitting on top of a smaller ceramic pot. You can't touch the structure. When your pots drop, you're out of the challenge.
There are 3 different rewards. You must choose secretly which you want to play for before the challenge starts.
Reward #1: Food - Bacon cheeseburger, french fries, cold beer, soda, chocolate chip cookies.
Reward #2: Love - Letters from your loved ones.
Reward #3: Advantage - specifics to remain a mystery until after the challenge.
You only compete against the people playing for the same reward.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Playing for Advantage: Tai, Cydney, Aubry
Playing for Food: Scot, Jason, Michele
Playing for Love: Julia, Joe
Joe is out in 30 seconds.
Julia wins letters from home.
Scot is out less than 2 minutes in, leaving Jason & Michele to fight for Food.
With a breeze, Jason drops at about 3 minutes in.
Michele wins food.
Cydney is out at about 4 minutes, leaving Tai & Aubry fighting for Advantage.
Elapsed time: 10 minutes.
After another breeze, Aubry drops out.
Tai wins the advantage.
It should be noted that the former Beauty tribe swept this challenge.
Tai is instructed to bring the advantage back to camp, find a private spot, open it, and read it.
The note tells him to go to Tree Mail.
At Tree Mail, he opens a box that says "Congratulations, You've won yourself an extra vote."
He does not have to share this information. The extra vote will be in addition to his regular vote at tribal council. It cannot be stolen from him. It is to be used after Jeff says "I'll go tally the votes". At that time you will announce it and return to the voting booth to write another name and place it into the urn. The vote is non-transferrable. The last time this extra vote can be used is when there are 5 people left in the game.
Immunity Challenge:
Stretch your arms out and use your fingertips to press against 2 wooden disks. Attached to the disks are ceramic pots that are hanging from twine. If either pot drops, you're out of the challenge.
The distance between the posts on the other side of the wooden disks must be normalized to the height of the person at each station since all contestants are reaching out about equally.
It is designed so you can't put your palms flat on the disks.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Joe is out in 8th place in less than a minute.
Elapsed time: 25 minutes.
Scot is out in 7th place.
Julia is out in 6th place.
Tai is out in 5th place.
Michele is out in 4th place.
Elapsed time: 45 minutes.
Cydney is out in 3rd place.
Elapsed time: 1 hour, 15 minutes.
Aubry is out in 2nd place.
Jason wins individual immunity and is guaranteed at least a 1 in 7 chance of winning.
Tribal Council:
Before tribal council, Jason gave his immunity idol to Scot in case it is needed as part of a super idol.
Before the votes are read aloud, Julia tells Tai to play his idol. Scot tells Tai not to play it.
The votes are 4-2-2 (Scot, Aubry, Tai).
Scot and Jason wait for Tai to help Scot to create a super idol. Tai doen't offer any help.
Scot shakes hands with Jason and wishes him good luck.
Aubry, Cydney, Joe, and Tai voted for Scot.
Jason and Scot voted for Aubry.
Julia and Michele voted for Tai.
Scot is voted out and becomes the 4th member of the jury. #Wow
Because Scot was in possession of a hidden immunity idol, it leaves the game with him.
A mega-fan of the reality television show Survivor, I have often provided my thoughts and insight. For season 37, David vs Goliath, I am providing links to show recaps and interviews all collected in one post for easy reference.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Keys to Survivor Kaoh Rong Episode 9
Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)
13th Anna - Beauty (voted out Episode 5, Day 13)
12th Peter - Brains (voted out Episode 6, Day 16)
---Start forming the jury---
11th Neal - Brains (medical evacuation after Immunity challenge due to infection near knee, Day 19)
10th Nick - Beauty (voted out Episode 8, Day 22)
Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 9:
Dara (merged tribe - black buffs)
Aubry - former Brains
Cydney - former Brawn
Debbie - former Brains
Jason - former Brawn (has hidden immunity idol)
Joe - former Brains
Julia - former Beauty
Michele - former Beauty
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty (has hidden immunity idol)
Sabatoge at camp:
Jason & Scot are upset that the guys were blindsided by the women. They decide to steal and hide the axe and machete to deprive the rest of the tribe of food. When the women decide they can roast a coconut and cut it open with a saw, Scot douses the fire with 5 gallons of drinking water.
Later in the episode, Tai douses the fire early in the morning, despite having not been in favor of this mode of play at first.
Reward Challenge:
Divide into 2 teams of 4. Each player is attached to a long rope. The ropes are braided together so the players must work together to separate themselves. Once you are completely unbraided, you unclip and race to the final station where you use sandbags to knock blocks off of a ledge. First team to knock all of the blocks completely off the ledge wins Chinese take-out delivered to camp.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
There was going to be a schoolyard pick, but due to the tribe split talked about when they arrived, Jeff gives them the option to form their own teams if they all agree. However, one person will be left out and gets to pick a team to celebrate with if they win.
Joe immediately agrees to sit out.
Jason, Scot & Tai will be on a team and Jason asks if one of the girls wants to join them in the challenge.
Without much discussion, Julia agrees to play on the guys' team.
Joe chooses to share reward with the girls if they win.
The guys and Julie are unbraided and unclipped first.
Jason starts throwing sandbags first.
There are approximately 50 blocks, all tall cylinders.
Cydney starts throwing for the women.
Scot takes over for Jason.
Debbie takes over for Cydney.
Jason takes over for Scot with just 3 blocks left and 5 for the women.
Jason, Julie, Scot, and Tai win reward.
Immunity Challenge:
Stack a series of blocks on a narrow beam while attempting to avoid trip obstacles. If you hit the obstacle, blocks will likely fall and you'll have to restack. The goal is to use the blocks like dominos so that the final block falls on a gong. The blocks can only be transported from the start to the beam one at a time and you must be completely inside the trip obstacle before placing a block. If a block drops to the groud it must be brought back to the start. More than one block can be touched and repositioned while you are in the obstacle.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Tai is the first to drop a block.
Jason loses about 1/3 of the blocks when he trips.
Scot loses more than 1/2 when he trips.
Tai loses most of his blocks next.
Aubry races too fast and drops most of her blocks.
Cydney trips again.
Michele goes for the win first, but as the dominos fall a few blocks near the end fall off sideways, so she has to restart.
Debbie tries for the win next, but only the first 1/3 of her blocks tip correctly.
Scot trips and drops everything again.
Jason starts restacking from the back so his last block retrievals go faster.
Jason tries for the win, but a few blocks fall sideways and he has to restart.
Debbie tries again, but not everything falls.
Julia goes for the win and successfully hits the gong.
Julia wins individual immunity and a 1 in 8 shot at winning Survivor.
Tribal Council lead up:
Some had wanted to vote Julia out. Some wanted to vote out Jason or Tai. But because Julia is safe, the guys are the target. Debbie reveals the full vote split plan to Julia, but Cydney & Aubry don't trust Julia right now, so start considering Debbie as a target.
Tribal Council:
Scot reveals that Tai has a hidden immunity idol.
Jason reveals that he also has a hidden immunity idol.
Tai says he will be playing his idol.
Jason says he and Scot will play rock-paper-scissors after the vote to decide which of them play it.
Multiple quiet conversations start happening.
Michele notes that Tai could give his idol to either Scot or Jason, further complicating things.
Voting commences.
If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and you want to play it, now would be the time to do so.
Tai shakes his head no.
Jason loses rock-paper-scissors. He played rock, Scot had paper. But he then hands the idol to Tai. Tai accepts Jason's idol and places them both in his pocket and sits down.
The votes are 4-3-2 (Debbie, Cydney, Scot).
Jason, Scot, and Tai voted for Cydney.
Debbie and Joe voted for Scot.
The rest of the girls voted for Debbie.
Debbie is voted out and becomes the 3rd member of the jury. #Blindside
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)
13th Anna - Beauty (voted out Episode 5, Day 13)
12th Peter - Brains (voted out Episode 6, Day 16)
---Start forming the jury---
11th Neal - Brains (medical evacuation after Immunity challenge due to infection near knee, Day 19)
10th Nick - Beauty (voted out Episode 8, Day 22)
Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 9:
Dara (merged tribe - black buffs)
Aubry - former Brains
Cydney - former Brawn
Debbie - former Brains
Jason - former Brawn (has hidden immunity idol)
Joe - former Brains
Julia - former Beauty
Michele - former Beauty
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty (has hidden immunity idol)
Sabatoge at camp:
Jason & Scot are upset that the guys were blindsided by the women. They decide to steal and hide the axe and machete to deprive the rest of the tribe of food. When the women decide they can roast a coconut and cut it open with a saw, Scot douses the fire with 5 gallons of drinking water.
Later in the episode, Tai douses the fire early in the morning, despite having not been in favor of this mode of play at first.
Reward Challenge:
Divide into 2 teams of 4. Each player is attached to a long rope. The ropes are braided together so the players must work together to separate themselves. Once you are completely unbraided, you unclip and race to the final station where you use sandbags to knock blocks off of a ledge. First team to knock all of the blocks completely off the ledge wins Chinese take-out delivered to camp.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
There was going to be a schoolyard pick, but due to the tribe split talked about when they arrived, Jeff gives them the option to form their own teams if they all agree. However, one person will be left out and gets to pick a team to celebrate with if they win.
Joe immediately agrees to sit out.
Jason, Scot & Tai will be on a team and Jason asks if one of the girls wants to join them in the challenge.
Without much discussion, Julia agrees to play on the guys' team.
Joe chooses to share reward with the girls if they win.
The guys and Julie are unbraided and unclipped first.
Jason starts throwing sandbags first.
There are approximately 50 blocks, all tall cylinders.
Cydney starts throwing for the women.
Scot takes over for Jason.
Debbie takes over for Cydney.
Jason takes over for Scot with just 3 blocks left and 5 for the women.
Jason, Julie, Scot, and Tai win reward.
Immunity Challenge:
Stack a series of blocks on a narrow beam while attempting to avoid trip obstacles. If you hit the obstacle, blocks will likely fall and you'll have to restack. The goal is to use the blocks like dominos so that the final block falls on a gong. The blocks can only be transported from the start to the beam one at a time and you must be completely inside the trip obstacle before placing a block. If a block drops to the groud it must be brought back to the start. More than one block can be touched and repositioned while you are in the obstacle.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Tai is the first to drop a block.
Jason loses about 1/3 of the blocks when he trips.
Scot loses more than 1/2 when he trips.
Tai loses most of his blocks next.
Aubry races too fast and drops most of her blocks.
Cydney trips again.
Michele goes for the win first, but as the dominos fall a few blocks near the end fall off sideways, so she has to restart.
Debbie tries for the win next, but only the first 1/3 of her blocks tip correctly.
Scot trips and drops everything again.
Jason starts restacking from the back so his last block retrievals go faster.
Jason tries for the win, but a few blocks fall sideways and he has to restart.
Debbie tries again, but not everything falls.
Julia goes for the win and successfully hits the gong.
Julia wins individual immunity and a 1 in 8 shot at winning Survivor.
Tribal Council lead up:
Some had wanted to vote Julia out. Some wanted to vote out Jason or Tai. But because Julia is safe, the guys are the target. Debbie reveals the full vote split plan to Julia, but Cydney & Aubry don't trust Julia right now, so start considering Debbie as a target.
Tribal Council:
Scot reveals that Tai has a hidden immunity idol.
Jason reveals that he also has a hidden immunity idol.
Tai says he will be playing his idol.
Jason says he and Scot will play rock-paper-scissors after the vote to decide which of them play it.
Multiple quiet conversations start happening.
Michele notes that Tai could give his idol to either Scot or Jason, further complicating things.
Voting commences.
If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and you want to play it, now would be the time to do so.
Tai shakes his head no.
Jason loses rock-paper-scissors. He played rock, Scot had paper. But he then hands the idol to Tai. Tai accepts Jason's idol and places them both in his pocket and sits down.
The votes are 4-3-2 (Debbie, Cydney, Scot).
Jason, Scot, and Tai voted for Cydney.
Debbie and Joe voted for Scot.
The rest of the girls voted for Debbie.
Debbie is voted out and becomes the 3rd member of the jury. #Blindside
Keys to Survivor Kaoh Rong Episode 8
Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)
13th Anna - Beauty (voted out Episode 5, Day 13)
12th Peter - Brains (voted out Episode 6, Day 16)
---Start forming the jury---
11th Neal - Brains (medical evacuation after Immunity challenge due to infection near knee, Day 19)
Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 8:
Dara (merged tribe - black buffs)
Aubry - former Brains
Cydney - former Brawn
Debbie - former Brains
Jason - former Brawn (has hidden immunity idol)
Joe - former Brains
Julia - former Beauty
Michele - former Beauty
Nick - former Beauty
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty (has hidden immunity idol)
Reward Challenge:
They will be divided into 2 teams of 5. They will race out to one large platform, and transfer one tribe member from that platform to another one using 2 stepping poles. Once they have been transferred, everyone gets into the large platform, jumps off, swims to a small platform and must all get all 5 team members on or above the top deck.
Winning team gets ice cream. They all get to share one small bowl before the challenge begins.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Schoolyard pick chosen by captains (drawn at random).
Julie is captain of the yellow team and chose Debbie, Nick, Scot, and Tai, who are the 2 largest and 2 smallest people out there.
Aubry was the captian for the blue team and chose Cydney, Jason, Joe, and Michele, who are more evenly sized.
Julia and Aubry are the ones being transported on the
Aubry falls early and has to start over.
Aubry falls again.
Julia making slow progress.
Aubry falls again.
Scot & Nick have height and strength that is helping.
Aubry falls a 4th time. Michele tries next.
Michele falls on the 2nd step transfer.
Nearly at the 2nd platform Julie almost falls.
Michele falls again. Cydney tries but falls again.
Julie makes it to the 2nd platform. The rest of the yellow team head to the final platform.
Cydney falls again. Michele tries to get transported again.
The yellow tribe climbs the final platform.
Scot goes up first. Nick stands on Scot's feet and faces him. Debbie & Julia stand on each side of Scot. Tai climbs up behind Scot as Aubry falls again for the blue team.
Debbie, Julia, Nick, Scot, and Tai win ice cream, to be delivered back at camp.
Immunity Challenge:
You must stand with your back against a plank and your heels on a narrow platform with your hands over your shoulders holding onto handles. You're out if a foot comes off the perch or a hand comes of a handle.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Spots are randomly selected and the heights of the handles are then customized based on the height of the player at that station.
After 5 minutes Jeff says there will be one, and only one, option to come down for food. You can step down and enjoy a food temptation after he comes back with the food. You can't step down until Jeff officially opens the window.
Julia steps down first, but due to fatigue and before Jeff arrived with food, so she will not particiapte.
The food is 4 pizzas, brownies, drumsticks, 6 hot dogs, and some cold drinks.
Jeff begins the 10 second countdown.
Scot, then Jason & Joe step down first. Michele steps down next. The 4 of them share the food.
Tai wants to win and says he stayed up to prevent a Brain from winning. Nick confirms this.
Debbie drops out next.
Aubry and Nick drop out soon after.
Cydney and Tai are left fighting it out for the win.
Elapsed time - 30 mimutes. Tai asks if Cydney is feeling bad yet.
Elapsed time - 40 minutes.
Cydney drops out suddenly and slowly drops to the ground to rest her back.
Tai wins individual immunity and also drops to the ground to recover.
Tribal Council:
The plan going in seemed to be for Brawn & Beauty to split the vote between Debbie & Aubry, but there was potential talk of an all girls alliance.
At tribal, Tai brings up the notion of the super immunity idol, but didn't realize that not everyone knew about it.
The vote ends up 6-2-1-1 (Nick, Debbie, Aubry, Jason).
The vote for Jason came from Tai for unknown reason.
Nick is voted out and becomes the 2nd member of the jury. #Blindside
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)
13th Anna - Beauty (voted out Episode 5, Day 13)
12th Peter - Brains (voted out Episode 6, Day 16)
---Start forming the jury---
11th Neal - Brains (medical evacuation after Immunity challenge due to infection near knee, Day 19)
Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 8:
Dara (merged tribe - black buffs)
Aubry - former Brains
Cydney - former Brawn
Debbie - former Brains
Jason - former Brawn (has hidden immunity idol)
Joe - former Brains
Julia - former Beauty
Michele - former Beauty
Nick - former Beauty
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty (has hidden immunity idol)
Reward Challenge:
They will be divided into 2 teams of 5. They will race out to one large platform, and transfer one tribe member from that platform to another one using 2 stepping poles. Once they have been transferred, everyone gets into the large platform, jumps off, swims to a small platform and must all get all 5 team members on or above the top deck.
Winning team gets ice cream. They all get to share one small bowl before the challenge begins.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Schoolyard pick chosen by captains (drawn at random).
Julie is captain of the yellow team and chose Debbie, Nick, Scot, and Tai, who are the 2 largest and 2 smallest people out there.
Aubry was the captian for the blue team and chose Cydney, Jason, Joe, and Michele, who are more evenly sized.
Julia and Aubry are the ones being transported on the
Aubry falls early and has to start over.
Aubry falls again.
Julia making slow progress.
Aubry falls again.
Scot & Nick have height and strength that is helping.
Aubry falls a 4th time. Michele tries next.
Michele falls on the 2nd step transfer.
Nearly at the 2nd platform Julie almost falls.
Michele falls again. Cydney tries but falls again.
Julie makes it to the 2nd platform. The rest of the yellow team head to the final platform.
Cydney falls again. Michele tries to get transported again.
The yellow tribe climbs the final platform.
Scot goes up first. Nick stands on Scot's feet and faces him. Debbie & Julia stand on each side of Scot. Tai climbs up behind Scot as Aubry falls again for the blue team.
Debbie, Julia, Nick, Scot, and Tai win ice cream, to be delivered back at camp.
Immunity Challenge:
You must stand with your back against a plank and your heels on a narrow platform with your hands over your shoulders holding onto handles. You're out if a foot comes off the perch or a hand comes of a handle.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Spots are randomly selected and the heights of the handles are then customized based on the height of the player at that station.
After 5 minutes Jeff says there will be one, and only one, option to come down for food. You can step down and enjoy a food temptation after he comes back with the food. You can't step down until Jeff officially opens the window.
Julia steps down first, but due to fatigue and before Jeff arrived with food, so she will not particiapte.
The food is 4 pizzas, brownies, drumsticks, 6 hot dogs, and some cold drinks.
Jeff begins the 10 second countdown.
Scot, then Jason & Joe step down first. Michele steps down next. The 4 of them share the food.
Tai wants to win and says he stayed up to prevent a Brain from winning. Nick confirms this.
Debbie drops out next.
Aubry and Nick drop out soon after.
Cydney and Tai are left fighting it out for the win.
Elapsed time - 30 mimutes. Tai asks if Cydney is feeling bad yet.
Elapsed time - 40 minutes.
Cydney drops out suddenly and slowly drops to the ground to rest her back.
Tai wins individual immunity and also drops to the ground to recover.
Tribal Council:
The plan going in seemed to be for Brawn & Beauty to split the vote between Debbie & Aubry, but there was potential talk of an all girls alliance.
At tribal, Tai brings up the notion of the super immunity idol, but didn't realize that not everyone knew about it.
The vote ends up 6-2-1-1 (Nick, Debbie, Aubry, Jason).
The vote for Jason came from Tai for unknown reason.
Nick is voted out and becomes the 2nd member of the jury. #Blindside
Keys to Survivor Kaoh Rong Episode 7
Placements for eliminated players thus far:
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)
13th Anna - Beauty (voted out Episode 5, Day 13)
12th Peter - Brains (voted out Episode 6, Day 16)
Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 7:
Chan Loh
Cydney - former Brawn
Debbie - former Brains
Jason - former Brawn (has hidden immunity idol)
Michele - former Beauty
Neal - former Brains (has hidden immunity idol)
Nick - former Beauty
Aubry - former Brains
Joe - former Brains
Julia - former Beauty
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty (has hidden immunity idol)
The Chan Loh tribe is picked up by boat and brought to Gondol beach. The new merged tribe has black buffs and they name it Dara.
Immunity Challenge:
For the first individual immunity challenge, stand on a small narrow log while balancing a ball on a disk. At regular intervals additional balls will be added. If at any point you fall off the perch or a ball drops or you touch a ball, you're out.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Start with 1 ball on the disk.
Joe 1st out in under a minute.
Debbie 2nd out.
Jason 3rd out with 15 seconds remaining in round 1.
Everyone steps down briefly to reposition for round 2.
Round 2 starts with 2 balls on the disk.
Michele out 4th quickly.
Neal out 5th.
Scot out 6th.
Cydney out 7th.
Aubry out 8th. 5 people gone quickly.
Everyone left - Nick, Julia, Tai - steps down as round 1 ends.
Round 3 starts with 3 balls on the disk.
Julia out 9th.
Tai out 10th.
Nick wins individual immunity!
Medical check-up:
Jeff and the medical team show up at camp to assess everyone's various infections.
Tai is checked first to see his thigh scrapes from climbing the tree in the first few days. He seems to be healing up fine.
Scot checked next. He has an infection on his inner right thigh. The medic decides they will just watch this one for now.
Aubry is up next. She also has an infection on her inner thigh. Her options are to start antibiotics or have it lanced. If it is lanced, it would be cut open, drained, and cleaned out. This would let the puss out but would leave a route for infection to go in. She ends up getting antibiotics for now.
Finally Neal is checked. The infection on his knee popped open earlier and doesn't look good. He also has one on his back. Neal is brought away from the group for further inspection. The spot on his back does not hurt and there is no concern for further damage if it gets worse. The medic is ok with that one for now. The spot on Neal's knee is more worrisome. If the infection goes into the joint it can ruin the joint in hours. The medic decides he has to pull Neal from the game to treat this injury and ensure saving the joint.
Neal is medically evacuated on day 19 and leaves with an immunity idol in his pocket. He will be the first member of the jury.
Tribal Council:
Due to the timing of events and the number of people left in the game, Neal's medical evacuation results in no tribal council for this episode. First time this has happened in years.
18th Darnell - Brawn (voted out Episode 1, Day 3)
17th Jenny - Brawn (voted out Episode 2, Day 6)
16th Liz - Brains (voted out Episode 3, Day 8)
15th Caleb - Beauty (medical evacuation after Reward challenge, Day 9)
14th Alecia - Brawn (voted out Episode 4, Day 11)
13th Anna - Beauty (voted out Episode 5, Day 13)
12th Peter - Brains (voted out Episode 6, Day 16)
Tribes as of the beginning of Episode 7:
Chan Loh
Cydney - former Brawn
Debbie - former Brains
Jason - former Brawn (has hidden immunity idol)
Michele - former Beauty
Neal - former Brains (has hidden immunity idol)
Nick - former Beauty
Aubry - former Brains
Joe - former Brains
Julia - former Beauty
Scot - former Brawn
Tai - former Beauty (has hidden immunity idol)
The Chan Loh tribe is picked up by boat and brought to Gondol beach. The new merged tribe has black buffs and they name it Dara.
Immunity Challenge:
For the first individual immunity challenge, stand on a small narrow log while balancing a ball on a disk. At regular intervals additional balls will be added. If at any point you fall off the perch or a ball drops or you touch a ball, you're out.
Details on order of challenge and who did what:
Start with 1 ball on the disk.
Joe 1st out in under a minute.
Debbie 2nd out.
Jason 3rd out with 15 seconds remaining in round 1.
Everyone steps down briefly to reposition for round 2.
Round 2 starts with 2 balls on the disk.
Michele out 4th quickly.
Neal out 5th.
Scot out 6th.
Cydney out 7th.
Aubry out 8th. 5 people gone quickly.
Everyone left - Nick, Julia, Tai - steps down as round 1 ends.
Round 3 starts with 3 balls on the disk.
Julia out 9th.
Tai out 10th.
Nick wins individual immunity!
Medical check-up:
Jeff and the medical team show up at camp to assess everyone's various infections.
Tai is checked first to see his thigh scrapes from climbing the tree in the first few days. He seems to be healing up fine.
Scot checked next. He has an infection on his inner right thigh. The medic decides they will just watch this one for now.
Aubry is up next. She also has an infection on her inner thigh. Her options are to start antibiotics or have it lanced. If it is lanced, it would be cut open, drained, and cleaned out. This would let the puss out but would leave a route for infection to go in. She ends up getting antibiotics for now.
Finally Neal is checked. The infection on his knee popped open earlier and doesn't look good. He also has one on his back. Neal is brought away from the group for further inspection. The spot on his back does not hurt and there is no concern for further damage if it gets worse. The medic is ok with that one for now. The spot on Neal's knee is more worrisome. If the infection goes into the joint it can ruin the joint in hours. The medic decides he has to pull Neal from the game to treat this injury and ensure saving the joint.
Neal is medically evacuated on day 19 and leaves with an immunity idol in his pocket. He will be the first member of the jury.
Tribal Council:
Due to the timing of events and the number of people left in the game, Neal's medical evacuation results in no tribal council for this episode. First time this has happened in years.
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